Die comment spammers, DIE

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Pardon the appearance, but I decided to get with the times and upgrade to the latest WordPress to combat the ridiculous amount of comment spam I get here. Up until now, I had the ORIGINAL version of WordPress (and highly customized) here… and I can’t TAKE having to delete over 3,000 crap comments per day. Even worse is sifting through them to find the 2 or three legitimate comments.

Of course, the newest WordPress is a whole new ballgame, now it’s designed to use themes so I have to figure out how to design a look that’s uniform with the rest of the site and get all my other scripts to work on this page.

But hey… I’m a designer, and this is what I do, right?
So far my inbox has been incredibly grateful by the lack of spam. 😀

Next will be a rewrite of my guestbook and mailing list scripts.
Comment spammers… you are SO screwed now.

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