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Containing all the latest news & gossip, freebies, and other stuff generally not available to the public. Not to worry, this does not imply any form of elitism, or cliques, or favoritism... it just simply means that you and the rest of the group will be better (and of a higher class & caliber) than the rest of the people coming here, that's all. Simple, right?
Were informed, way ahead of time, that Y2K would be nothing more than "the last practical joke of the 20th
century"... thereby saving thousands on candles, bottled water and canned spam....
Learned how to protect themselves from several deadly viruses, and found free software to save their hard drives
from disaster...
Get HTML tips to make great webpages without expensive software or nagging shareware...
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If, one of these days, I decide to sell something... you get a discount, ok?
Develop animal magnetism, and their sex lives improve by 212%