Let’s face it, people are either voting FOR Trump, or AGAINST Trump in November 2020.
Ben from Baltimore not only promises free EVERYTHING, just like all the Democrats, but twice as much for illegal aliens. VOTE
With all of the choices in the 2020 Presidential Election, most of us have already made up our mind. However, while most people voting against Trump will accept whoever the DNC chooses for them (again) we all still have people we would prefer in the White House. So I have compiled MY 2020 wishlist of who I would vote for:
Tulsi Gabbard
Donald Trump
Giant Meteor
The wino that tries to wash my windshield on my way to work (I think his name is Mark or Hector?)
Marianne Williamson’s Healing Crystals
Zombie Apocalypse
A Baltimore Rat
Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren
Yang, Buttplug, Spartacus, and Beto (As one person, though. Sewn together like Frankenstein).
A series of Human Extinction events
Kamala Harris
Joe Biden
A Gladiator, an Indian Princess, and a Mexican walk into a bar…
For the life of me, I can’t understand why a party that constantly villainizes white men and police officers would have two old white dudes and a cop/prosecutor as their front runners (or not offering anything to the Middle class, moderates, and independent voters you will need to win), but okay…
Why do you people keep trusting your political parties to do what they claim they stand for?
I have always said that “If anyone takes our guns away, it will be the Republicans”.
Obama had eight years to do it, and never did. Why?
Because you were expecting it.
Obama never took your guns, because you were expecting it. But you weren’t expecting to be detained indefinitely, did you?
Everyone was ready to raise hell at the first sign of it happening. But they know when a Republican does this (or Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, or add more government agencies, etc), Republicans will just quietly whimper and accept it. Instead of getting mad as hell and threaten to not support those candidates next election.
“I am not happy that they took away bump stocks, but at least they didn’t touch silencers”
“I am not happy that they took away silencers, but at least they didn’t start endorsing Red Flag Laws“…
Listen America, you need to start getting mad about your rights being slowly stripped away. While you were so busy worrying about Barack Obama announcing on TV that you had to “hand in all your guns… or else,” he was busy continuing the work of George W. Bush’s Government-expanding extravaganza by stripping even more of your Fourth Amendment rights, with even MORE spying, Civil Asset Forfeiture, detaining citizens indefinitely (NDAA), and drone-bombing the living shit out of innocent people in the middle east… all in the name of “Keeping America Safe”.
You had already signed off on this when Dubya was starting this breakdown on your privacy, because “MUH 9/11!” “MUH PATRIOTISM”.
You don’t seem to understand there is ONE government, with two parties that know how their supporters work.
Like a Snake Oil Company with two salesmen with two completely different sales pitches…
One of them will make the sale.
But the Company will keep on doing whatever it wants.
They know the Democrats take an 8-year nap when their guy is in the White House.
They know Republicans will NEVER vote for the other side…
… because Republicans believe Democrats will take their guns away, and make the government even bigger…?
So I had a dream last night (I think it was a dream…). I was visited by TULSI GABBARD
She flew in my window. She was glowing and had wings. She was an angel. A Tulsi Angel.
She hovered over me. Her lips pursed into a smile as she beckoned me closer with her finger.
As I sat up in my bed, we were nose to nose. I began to become lost in
her big, beautiful, brown, angelic Samoan eyes… Then we closed our
eyes as she drew closer, and my heart raced as I thought “THIS IS
IT!”… I was trembling in anticipation!
And she whispered in my ear “I only like you as a friend”. And she was gone.
*Big dreamy sigh* Exactly the way I always thought it would be.
One less hour would make up for the deficit, says Occasio-Cortez.
Those dirty bums!
Washington (AP) – On Friday, House Democrats made a surprise vote. It was such a surprise, Republicans didn’t even know to show up.
The vote was a proposal by rising-star Alexandria Occasio-Cortez. Remove an hour from everyone’s lives to help offset the deficit. “You’ve heard the saying ‘Time is Money,’ right?,” Occasio-Cortez announced, “Well what if we cut one hour out and used that money to offset our staggering deficit? It would relieve some of the debt our constituents are burdened with. Plus, they’ll be sleeping, they’ll never miss it!”
As expected, the decision was unanimous without any Republicans present to “screw it all up, just because”.
An outraged President Trump tweeted that the Democrats have “gone too far,” and promised to restore that hour back to Americans in September, just before the next election.
When asked if there are any special movies this weekend AOC planned on seeing, the young congressperson responded: “The last movie I went to see was called ‘Closed For Rennovations’. It was very noisy and I couldn’t follow the plot with all these construction workers moving around and talking. It was stupid”.
Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those
of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily
reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat,
seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby
acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly
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a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not
responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.