My #2020Election Wishlist

My 2020 Election Wishlist
Everyone likes at least ONE of them

Let’s face it, people are either voting FOR Trump, or AGAINST Trump in November 2020.

Ben from Baltimore not only promises free EVERYTHING, just like all the Democrats, but twice as much for illegal aliens. VOTE
Ben from Baltimore not only promises free EVERYTHING, just like all the Democrats, but twice as much for illegal aliens. VOTE

With all of the choices in the 2020 Presidential Election, most of us have already made up our mind. However, while most people voting against Trump will accept whoever the DNC chooses for them (again) we all still have people we would prefer in the White House.
So I have compiled MY 2020 wishlist of who I would vote for:

  1. Tulsi Gabbard
  2. Donald Trump
  3. Giant Meteor
  4. The wino that tries to wash my windshield on my way to work (I think his name is Mark or Hector?)
  5. Marianne Williamson’s Healing Crystals
  6. Zombie Apocalypse
  7. A Baltimore Rat
  8. Bernie Sanders
  9. Elizabeth Warren
  10. Yang, Buttplug, Spartacus, and Beto (As one person, though. Sewn together like Frankenstein).
  11. A series of Human Extinction events
  12. Kamala Harris
  13. Joe Biden
Coey, Liz, and Beto
A Gladiator, an Indian Princess, and a Mexican walk into a bar…

For the life of me, I can’t understand why a party that constantly villainizes white men and police officers would have two old white dudes and a cop/prosecutor as their front runners (or not offering anything to the Middle class, moderates, and independent voters you will need to win), but okay…

*shrugs* It’s your election to lose, Democrats.

Who are YOUR choices for President?

Eric Brooks

Musician, Programmer, Graphic Designer, Evil Clown - A thorn in the Internet's side since 1997 with no intention of stopping any time soon.

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[#Tulsi2020] I Was Visited By Tulsi Gabbard in a Dream!

So I had a dream last night (I think it was a dream…).
I was visited by Hearts TULSI GABBARD Hearts

She flew in my window. She was glowing and had wings.
She was an angel.
A Tulsi Angel.

She hovered over me. Her lips pursed into a smile as she beckoned me closer with her finger.

As I sat up in my bed, we were nose to nose. I began to become lost in her big, beautiful, brown, angelic Samoan eyes… Then we closed our eyes as she drew closer, and my heart raced as I thought “THIS IS IT!”… I was trembling in anticipation!

And she whispered in my ear “I only like you as a friend”.
And she was gone.

*Big dreamy sigh*
Exactly the way I always thought it would be. – Keep the momentum going! Help us reach 130,000 and qualify for the 3rd debates.

Eric Brooks

Musician, Programmer, Graphic Designer, Evil Clown - A thorn in the Internet's side since 1997 with no intention of stopping any time soon.

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