
I am so sorry guys.

(Please respect their wishes and DON’T leave a comment on their site…)

It’s a time for them to grieve, be angry over something that will never have a sensible reason for happening, and have some time alone.

Believe me, I know. :0(
But at least I still know the feeling of parenthood… I can’t even begin to imagine their pain.

Extending our freedom and democracy to the world…

The President uses the word “freedom” in almost every sentence in his speeches, doesn’t he?

The Patriot Act II currently in it’s drafting stages picks up where the first one left off… to throw the First and Fourth Amendment out the window for the sake of expediency.

It’s the same mentality that jurors use to send an innocent black man off to prison. “Maybe it’s not him, but at least we got *somebody*. Well, he’ll commit a crime eventually, look at him! Let’s just get him off the streets now.”

Sometimes the police stop someone. They know in their guts this guy is up to no good. They’ve been on the streets so long that they develop a sixth sense that way. They find nothing, they *have* to let them go… only to have them commit a horrendous crime, and the department takes the heat FROM an angry public that uses 20/20 hindsight screaming “How could you let them go???”

Procedures. Checks and balances.
They’re there for a reason.
Continue reading “Extending our freedom and democracy to the world…”

Yet another Michael Jackson’s a freak knee-jerk post…

Rewind the clock twenty years or so…
May 1983… You see a little -=e=- getting ready to graduate high school. The end of the year talent show, had me and a GROUP of guys FROM the school band calling ourselves “The Jazzy Gents” on stage…

The program had us doing a run of the mill, Glenn Miller “In the mood”-type jazz progression, the inner-city crowd, subjected to a rather lackluster night, restrained by an old-fashioned teacher running it, were finally content…

Suddenly, the music stopped.

The drummer breaks INTO a solo, followed by a modern drum beat. I played an all-too-familiar bass line… the crowd was on their feet.

We decided “Fuck it… we’re playing Billie Jean!!!”. If we were leaving the school, we were going out in style. Two break dancers joined us on either side, recreating “The Gloved One”s electrifying performance on “Motown 25”, just weeks earlier.

The crowd went fucking wild!
Yeah… we planned the rebellion all along. ;0)

It was as if a riot was going to break out at any second… the guys handling the lights decided to get extra creative, we were instrumental, so the audience sang every word to the #1 song in the country, danced in the aisles, despite the terrified teachers ordering everyone to stay seated. The steam coming out of the teacher’s ears, over the change in program, provided one hell of a smoke machine effect. :0)

The coordinator of the SHOW finally got tired of us defying her, the back stage crew ignoring her orders to close the curtains on us… she finally unplugged our amplifiers when we were halfway through “Beat it“.


As a child of the 80’s, I couldn’t think of anyone that *WASN’T* a Michael Jackson fan. Ever see the scene in “Beverly Hills Cop” where Eddie Murphy chuckles at the white couple with the Jheri Curls and the “Thriller” Jackets?.

That might as well had been me. I had my hair permed twice, and paid $150 bucks for a silk “Thriller” jacket in 1984 (shut up.). I’d get off of elevators in Manhattan to a chuckling receptionist watching me in their monitors: “Hey, your spins are really improving! *snicker*”

It was truly Michael Jackson’s world in those days. We were only living in it. Being born and raised in the entertainment biz, his music and moves were pure magic.

20 years later, I watched in horror at the price the man paid to become “The King of Pop” on 20/20 tonight.

He seemed more defensive about his plastic surgery, than his hanging an infant over a balcony in Germany. He twitches when his father is mentioned. And honestly thinks nothing is wrong with his kids saying they “have no mother”.

Most disturbing of all, is how he just doesn’t get how inapropriate his contact with children is… sleeping in his bed with him. Calling parents who have a problem with it “whacky”. (!!!)

I can’t even begin to figure out what has fucked him up. Was it the torment and abuse of his father? The fact that he never had a childhood? HAVING his head filled with Jehovah’s Witness doctrine? The fact that he’s spent his entire life in the spotlight, surrounded by people telling him anything he wanted to hear?

Is it all of the above?
Or is it a deliberate move to get back in the spotlight, as it’s the only life he’s ever known?

Ask anyone in the entertainment biz. There’s no such thing as “bad press”.

In other news, some guy named Phil Spector shot and killed a woman in his home.

Oh. I’m sorry… back to Michael Jackson and all his surgeries…
I can’t express the sadness and pity I have for the man these days.

Parrot Joke War!


How in the hell did this joke elude Solonor and his evil henchpeople (even Planned Parrothood)?
It’s a fourth-grade classic….

A little boy brings his parrot in school for “show & tell”.
“My parrot knows karate, he is a black belt in several forms of martial arts… watch”

The little boy orders his parrot: “KARATE THE DESK!”
The teacher jumps back as the tiny parrot squawks “Hiiiiiii-ya!” and karate-chops her desk in half with one mighty blow with his wing.

The slate blackboard shatters in a million pieces with one kick.

The principal storms in FROM the noise and the kids screaming in jubilation, demanding an explaination.

As the frightened teacher fills him in, the principal exclaims:
“Oh… KARATE, MY ASS!!!!”


Ok… I’m done.

No more doom and gloom.

Some people got what I was trying to say, some people didn’t.
A lot of us are just too damn frustrated to express mysel… uhm, I mean “ourselves” correctly.

Time to get goofy again, and fast.

…. and I will.
…….. any second now.

Is it 2004 yet?

**// Edited 8:48 PM //**
Well, I guess I can start by apologizing to Aaron for being an asshole to him last week. You’d think a guy who continually gets a bad rap for being a bully, would know better that to pass the same judgement on someone else…

But hey, a lot of great discussion was sparked on a few sites over the war (sorta) because of his post. It let us get out a lot of anxiety and jitters over it.

So, getting that off my chest… I am ready to get goofy again.
right now…
uhm… here we go…

e saves the world (again)!

Dear -e-:
This other person is being a mean, poopiehead liar! I hate him!!!
He tried to kill my daddy, and he has nuke-u-lar weapons.
I know he has the dang things because we sold them to him when he was fighting those icky Iranians (OOPS! I probably shouldn’t have written that.).
He’s got weapons of mass destruction, I know it!!!! How do I prove it???

George B., Jr.

Golden Finger awards: Round II

We’ve got Round II going on…
To me, this is even better than Round I, because the WEB COMMUNITY gives you “The Fingerâ„¢”… not just an idiot with binary/digital MPD.

But first, some announcements…

In yo’ faces…CHUMPS!!!

Traffic here has spiked today, largely due to our own Mr. Laurence, and the lovely (and oh so scandalous!) Min Jung Kim. Welcome! Please feel free to nominate Ms. Kim and make up a great category (be nice, you!!!!)

Maria has survived another round of layoffs at her job. WOO HOO!!! A lot of friends recently haven’t been as fortunate. Gee? You think our economy is just a *little* fucked??? I was going to a comedy club tomorrow night, but I decided to watch the State of the Union Address on tv instead.

Yes. You may take that any way you want.

Boffo The ClownI’m sure you’re ALL following the scandals going on here closely, and you’ll be happy to know we’ve reached a settlement with Ms. Bullock’s attorneys. Basically, my attorney explained that due to Boffo’s widely-publicized cocaine addiction and alcoholism… coupled with his distress that Geocities has closed down his cartoon page (there since 1998)… his lapses of judgement are somewhat excusable. Attorneys for Ms. Bullock are willing to let this go as long as there is no more publicity, and we keep “that disgusting pig on a short leash.”

Boffo the clown offers “no comment” on the settlement, however requested that we put the following graphic back up…

I am SO SCREWED!!! I might as well put up a “404 page” now…
Continue reading “Golden Finger awards: Round II”

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