I never won anything in my life… and The Webmistress just announced ME the winner of her new Authentic hand-crafted official Webmistress™ T-Shirt!!!!! I gotta take a pic of me in it and send it to her (the pic, not the shirt…sorry, so excited!!!!).
I know, I know… it looks like the contest was rigged, but I swear to Gawd, I popped out an email within seconds of her posting the contest, and became the 10th Emailer. (Hey I’m excited, don’t ruin this for me!). And yes, like The Webmistress, I’m considering changing the name of this page to the “Jo/Matt/Pete/Faith/Graham Linky-Lovefest“… I even begged Jo to give it to one of her thousands of adoring fans and make me another one…. but she would have none of that! I won it fair & square, and the rest of you will have to BUY ONE!!!!! Or stay on her site… ALL DAY LONG, and keep pressing “refresh” every three minutes for the next contest announcement. She would be terribly flattered by your devotion too!
EricBrooks.Com!…. Nothing quite like it (on Google)!