New contest – Win a music CD

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It’s time for some good, clean, wholesome fun…
I need an excuse not to post for a few days, and what better way to do this than to run a contest?

Give me your best answer for this:
“What is a bhoomi-bhoomi?”

My original guess was either “Pikachu’s illegitimate half-brother FROM Nigeria”, or “a new creative way to describe a baby with gas”… but they were both wrong, and I don’t have the nerve to ask the owner. So let’s make something up, kiddies!

The Reasons for Christmas ProjectThe winner gets a copy of The Reasons for Christmas Project.
A compilation of great songs by various artists in the Poconos for a worthy charity.

Use the comments, email me, or ping me…
Deadline is Monday night at 8PM.

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8 thoughts on “New contest – Win a music CD

  1. Btw, Jack, it’s DIARY, not dairy. And I don’t know why the stupid thing repeats the name like that. So there. No asking required.:)

  2. What’s wrong with HAVING a dairy site. I love dairy products.

    If you ask me, the web doesn’t talk enough about dairy products.

    Got milk? :0)

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