- Well, 123 Cheaphosting.Com redid their site (lest ye forget)… of course Pith & Vinegar wasn’t gonna let it go for April Fools day….LMAO!!!! (via Metafilter)
- Matt Damon reprises his role as Loki…. actually a designer/hacker/pest named gOdOfMiScHiEf in the new movie Pardon My Zinger. A small but pivotal role, and I have no idea who it’s patterned after…. do you?It pays to have connected friends you can harass by phone and emails until they make a few calls…..
- Happy Reunions…. this week John met his best friend, Amber, face-to-face. I spoke on the phone with my old partner in MiScHiEf , Kare for the first time on Saturday. That’s the miracle of the Internet. People can touch your lives, that you wouldn’t normally meet in your lifetime….
- I’m currently uploading the new Golfing in the Poconos Section for the Pocono Record site… figured I’d drop you guys a quick note.