[#Script #Coding] Advanced OpenGL Tutorial – Skeletal Animations with Assimp

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Advanced OpenGL Tutorial – Skeletal Animations with Assimp

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Mar 14, 2022

freeCodeCamp.org In this OpenGL Course, you will take your animation skills to the next level by learning about skeletal animations. This will help your character animations to feel more lifelike when they move thier limbs to do things like walking, running, and attacking.

You will learn how to use the Open Asset Import Library (assimp) to import and export various 3d-model-formats.

Course created by Etay Meiri. Check out his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Z1…

    Course Contents

  • (0:00:00) Intro
  • (0:01:29) Loading models using Assimp
  • (0:27:36) Part 1: Rigging, Skinning, and Animating 3D Models
  • (0:48:21) Part 2: Mapping Vertices of Model to Bones
  • (1:03:15) Part 3: Transformation Matrices
  • (1:19:23) Part 4: Integrating Assimp Matrices into Skinned Mesh Class
  • (1:28:06) Part 5: Integrating Animation Data into Skinned Mesh Class


  • Clone the repo at https://github.com/emeiri/ogldev.git. The specific sources are in the following directories:
  • Loading models using Assimp: https://github.com/emeiri/ogldev/blob…
  • Skeletal Animation – Part 1: https://github.com/emeiri/ogldev/blob…
  • Skeletal Animation – Part 2: https://github.com/emeiri/ogldev/blob…
  • Skeletal Animation – Part 3: https://github.com/emeiri/ogldev/blob…
  • Skeletal Animation – Part 4: https://github.com/emeiri/ogldev/blob…
  • Skeletal Animation – Part 5: https://github.com/emeiri/ogldev/blob…

    Build Instructions

  • Linux – each source directory contains a build.sh and/or build_assimp_sandbox.sh script. Simply run this script from within the directory and it will generate a tutorial* executable that matches the index of the tutorial directory.
  • Run the executable from the same directory.
  • Windows – the directory ogldev/Windows/ogldev_vs_2019 contains a Visual Studio 2019 solution file. The relevant projects are:
    • Loading models using Assimp: Tutorial18
    • Skeletal Animation – Part 1: Tutorial24
    • Skeletal Animation – Part 2: Tutorial25, Tutorial25_assimp_sandbox
    • Skeletal Animation – Part 3: Tutorial26
    • Skeletal Animation – Part 4: Tutorial27
    • Skeletal Animation – Part 5: Tutorial28


  • Music: https://bensound.com and from the youtube audio library by the artists Huma-Huma and RKVC
  • Image from cleanpng.com by Isbelia
  • Images from pixabay.com by VOLLEX, Gordon Johnson, OpenClipart-Vectors
  • Video from pixabay.com by Timo Herbert

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