Learn NestJS – Complete Course
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Mar 26, 2024
Learn NestJS in this comprehensive course for beginners. NestJS is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js web applications.Code: https://github.com/HaiderMalik12/nestjs-fundamentals
Course resources e-book: https://www.haidermalik.dev/nestjsTesting Starter Kit for Module 12: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dU4ro10jZaIYAu32MwQFr4UHlY6GFu6O/view?usp=sharing
?? This course was developed by @haidermalik3402 . Check out more of his courses: https://www.udemy.com/user/5512f7602d2ad/
?? Contents ??
Module 0
?? 00:00:00 What is NestJS
?? 00:03:01 Create NestJS Project
?? 00:05:30 NestJS Directory Structure
Module 1
?? 00:07:00 Creating Controller
?? 00:11:07 Creating a Service
?? 00:18:09 Creating Module
Module 2
?? 00:24:27 Middleware
?? 00:32:39 Exception Filter
?? 00:43:07 Transform param using ParseIntPipe
?? 00:48:10 Validate Request Body using class validator
Module 3
?? 00:52:09 Custom Providers
?? 01:15:26 Injection Scopes
?? 01:20:59 One To Many Relation
Module 4
?? 01:35:05 Establish Database Connection
?? 01:43:42 Create an Entity
?? 01:50:43 Create and Fetch records from Database
?? 02:08:54 Pagination
Module 5
?? 02:17:44 One to One
?? 02:24:14 Many to Many relation
Module 6
?? 02:43:51 User Signup
?? 03:00:05 User Login
?? 03:08:12 Authenticate User with Passport JWT
?? 03:24:42 Role Based Authentication
?? 03:46:51 Two Factor Authentication
?? 04:17:41 API Key Authentication
Module 7
?? 04:32:52 Debug NestJS Application
?? 04:37:00 Migrations
?? 04:49:51 Seeding
Module 8
?? 05:02:02 Custom Configuration
?? 05:24:29 Validate Env Variables
?? 05:35:48 Hot Module Reloading
Module 9
?? 05:45:51 Swagger Setup
?? 05:52:30 Document Signup Route
?? 05:58:28 Create Schema using ApiProperty
?? 06:02:54 Test JWT Authentication
Module 10
?? 06:11:40 Install MongoDB using Docker Compose
?? 06:18:16 Connect with MongoDB
?? 06:21:24 Create Schema
?? 06:24:56 Save Record in Mongo Collection
?? 06:33:08 Find and Delete
?? 06:38:47 Populate
Module 11
?? 06:52:18 Configure Dev and Production Env
?? 07:01:22 Push Source Code to Github Repo
?? 07:06:38 Deploy NestJS Project to Railway
?? 07:15:44 Install Dotenv to work with TypeORM migrations
?? 07:20:20 Fixing Env Bugs
Module 12
?? 07:29:45 Getting started with Jest
?? 07:37:22 Auto Mocking
?? 07:55:13 SpyOn Function
?? 08:05:49 Unit Test Controller
?? 08:19:35 Unit Test Service
?? 08:28:19 E2E Testing
Module 13
?? 08:41:58 Speedy Web Compiler with NestJS v10
?? 08:50:31 Creating Websocket Server
?? 08:59:05 Send Message from Frontend app
Module 14
?? 09:05:48 GraphQL Server Setup
?? 09:13:43 Define Queries and Mutations
?? 09:20:11 Resolve Queries
?? 09:25:42 Resolve Mutations
?? 09:30:35 Error Handling
Module 15
?? 09:34:14 Define Schema for Authentication
?? 09:42:13 Resolve Auth Queries and Mutations
?? 09:52:47 Apply Authentication using Auth Guard
Module 16
?? 10:12:06 Implement Real time Subscription
Module 17
?? 10:20:39 Unit Test Resolver
?? 10:32:02 End to End Tesing GraphQL APIs
Module 18
?? 10:46:55 Server Side Caching using Apollo
?? 10:58:56 Optimize Query Performance using Data Loader
?? 11:14:06 Fetching Data from External REST API
Module 19
?? 11:20:56 Setup Prisma
?? 11:24:25 Models and Migrations
?? 11:28:08 Generate Prisma Client
?? 11:30:43 Create, Find and FindOne
?? 11:40:57 Update and Delete Operation.mov
?? 11:49:17 One to Many Relation
?? 12:00:54 One to One Relation
?? 12:07:33 Many to Many Relation
?? 12:20:35 Bulk or Batch Operations
?? 12:24:29 Implement Transaction using Nested Queries
?? 12:32:56 Interactive Transactions
Module 20
?? 12:46:08 File Upload
?? 12:56:12 Custom Decorator
?? 13:02:03 Scheduling CRON Task with Nest.js
?? 13:14:41 Cookies
?? 13:23:03 Queues
?? 13:35:43 Event Emitter
?? 13:47:13 Streaming
?? 13:52:55 Session