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By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Mar 14, 2023
Learn how to use React version 18 and Redux Toolkit in this full course for beginners. React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components.âœï¸ Course created by @CodingAddict
Source Code
React Tutorial: https://github.com/john-smilga/react-course-v3
Redux Toolkit: https://github.com/john-smilga/redux-toolkit-tutorialContents
âŒ¨ï¸ (00:00:00) Setup
âŒ¨ï¸ (0:30:33) Folder Structure
âŒ¨ï¸ (0:42:58) First Component
âŒ¨ï¸ (0:53:25) Extensions and settings.json
âŒ¨ï¸ (1:06:09) JSX
âŒ¨ï¸ (1:20:21) Nest Components
âŒ¨ï¸ (1:26:35) Booklist
âŒ¨ï¸ (1:36:57) CSS
âŒ¨ï¸ (1:47:31) Images
âŒ¨ï¸ (1:55:31) JSX – CSS
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:02:17) JSX – Javascript
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:08:44) Props
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:18:33) Props – Somewhat Dynamic Setup
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:23:00) Access Props – Multiple Approaches
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:27:44) Children Prop
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:35:12) Simple List
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:43:48) Proper List
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:51:12) Key Prop
âŒ¨ï¸ (2:57:20) Props – Options
âŒ¨ï¸ (3:02:56) Events
âŒ¨ï¸ (3:21:51) Form Submission
âŒ¨ï¸ (3:25:35) Mind Grenade
âŒ¨ï¸ (3:28:55) Component Feature
âŒ¨ï¸ (3:34:00) React Data Flow
âŒ¨ï¸ (3:39:42) Challenge
âŒ¨ï¸ (3:48:51) ES6 Modules
âŒ¨ï¸ (3:58:40) Local Images (src folder)
âŒ¨ï¸ (4:04:25) More Challenges
âŒ¨ï¸ (4:13:20) Deployment
âŒ¨ï¸ (4:18:43) useState Hook
âŒ¨ï¸ (5:48:19) useEffect Hook
âŒ¨ï¸ (6:19:29) Multiple Returns
âŒ¨ï¸ (7:28:02) Folder Structure
âŒ¨ï¸ (8:27:07) Forms
âŒ¨ï¸ (9:27:53) useRef Hook
âŒ¨ï¸ (9:50:10) Custom Hooks
âŒ¨ï¸ (10:06:20) Context API
âŒ¨ï¸ (10:43:01) useReducer Hook
âŒ¨ï¸ (11:26:39) Performance
âŒ¨ï¸ (12:11:45) Redux Toolkit🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Erdeniz Unvan
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Otis Morgan—
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Learn Python with this course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWRfhZUzrAc