[#Money #Success] Why the Metaverse Will Transform the Entertainment and Travel Industries

Why the Metaverse Will Transform the Entertainment and Travel Industries

By Alux.com
Published: Feb 24, 2022

Alux.com Would you like concerts to be held in the metaverse? Would you use it as a way to travel the world?

Why Metaverse is the Future of Work & How to get Rich from it: https://youtu.be/HgIwgtN7xgU

SUBSCRIBE to ALUX: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjPtOCvMrKY5eLwr_-7eUg?sub_confirmation=1

    In this Alux.com video we will be answering the following questions:

  • Why the Metaverse Will Transform the Entertainment and Travel Industries?
  • How does the Metaverse influence our world?
  • How does the metaverse influence current economies?
  • Why Metaverse is the Future of entertainment?
  • What is the metaverse?
  • Does metaverse have a future?
  • What is the point of metaverse?
  • How popular will the metaverse be?
  • Will the metaverse replace the internet?


  • 00:00 – Intro
  • 00:33 – The Metaverse as We Know It
  • 01:48 – Entertainment Industry
  • 07:13 – Traveling and Hospitality Industries
  • 09:11 – Adoption Problem
  • 10:45 – Question

[#Money #Success] 15 Jobs That Will Thrive in the Future (Despite A.I.)

15 Jobs That Will Thrive in the Future (Despite A.I.)

By Alux.com
Published: Nov 18, 2018

Alux.com 15 Jobs That Will Thrive in the Future | Sunday Motivation
SUBSCRIBE to ALUX: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN…
15 Jobs That Will Disappear Due to A.I.: https://youtu.be/r211u89eUaY

Get the Homo Deus Audiobook for free: https://www.alux.com/freebook

Disclaimer: Signing up for the free audiobook will result in Alux Inc receiving financial benefits from Au… [READ MORE]

#Marvel Takes Home 4 2017 Saturn Awards

From Marvel Movies NewsMarvel Takes Home 4 2017 Saturn Awards:

Marvel Takes Home 4 2017 Saturn Awards

The 2017 Saturn Awards have announced their winners, and Marvel took four home for film and tv! Celebrating science-fiction, fantasy, and horror films and television, the Saturn Awards gave Marvel Studios’ “Doctor Strange” the statue for Best Comic-To-Film Motion Picture, and “Marvel’s Luke Cage” tied with “Stranger Things” for Best New Media TV Series. >But that’s not all! Tilda Swinton earned Best Supporting Actress in a Film for her role as the Ancient One in “Doctor Strange” while Tom Holland took home the award for Best Performance By a Younger Actor in Marvel Studios’ “Captain America: Civil War.” Congratulations to all the winners, and stay tuned to Marvel.com for the latest on Marvel film and TV!

[Cool Websites] Film Franchise Kitchen Accessories – Lightsaber Salt and Pepper Grinders Provide Galactic Garnishing (TrendHunter.com)

From TrendHunter.com – Cool Websites and Internet CultureFilm Franchise Kitchen Accessories – Lightsaber Salt and Pepper Grinders Provide Galactic Garnishing (TrendHunter.com):

Film Franchise Kitchen Accessories - Lightsaber Salt and Pepper Grinders Provide Galactic Garnishing (TrendHunter.com)(TrendHunter.com) These Lightsaber Salt And Pepper Grinders will transport your cooking to a galaxy far, far away. This hilarious kitchen accessories are daring users to play with their food with a cooking set that…

[Cracked] Not Sure What To Watch? Boom, Done.

From Cracked: All PostsNot Sure What To Watch? Boom, Done.:

Not Sure What To Watch? Boom, Done.By CRACKED Readers Published: June 16th, 2017 – Ratings for movies and shows are … umm … overrated. There are too many people voting with too many differing opinions to really get a good idea of whether or not what you’re thinking about watching fits your personal tastes. Well, screw all that — here are some pictures and charts that’ll tell you exactly what’s in store.

[#Entertainment] SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Will Be A New Spidey Trilogy

From Comic Book MovieSPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Will Be The First Film In A New Spidey Trilogy According To Star Tom Holland:

SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Will Be The First Film In A New Spidey Trilogy According To Star Tom HollandWe knew there would be at least one more solo movie after Spider-Man: Homecoming, but Tom Holland (Peter Parker) has now seemingly confirmed plans for a new trilogy during a recent interview…

[Cracked] 5 Series Defining Plot Points That The Films Need To Drop

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5 Series Defining Plot Points That The Films Need To DropBy Daniel Dockery Published: June 06th, 2017 – When something becomes ridiculously popular, it’s nearly impossible to separate it from some of its most notable aspects. It’s hard to imagine a Lord Of The Rings without the Hobbits. It’s difficult to envision a McDonald’s that doesn’t sell Big Macs. And tequila simply isn’t tequila unless it’s followed by punching your friend for almost no reason. But in the case of a few pop culture franchises, the inability to split from some seemingly important building blocks is what’s keeping them from evolving. And when you look closer, you begin to realize that, like that sixth tequila shot, you don’t really need these things at all in order to create an entertaining experience…

[#Marketing #Strategy] Franchised eSports Bars

From TrendHunter.com – Marketing StrategyFranchised eSports Bars – The New Meltdown City Clash Tournament (TrendHunter.com):

Franchised eSports Bars - The New Meltdown City Clash Tournament (TrendHunter.com) (TrendHunter.com) Meltdown eSports Bars are a European franchise that recently moved to North America, and the franchise organized a Meltdown City Clash tournament that recently took place at its Montreal location. Meltdown Montreal offers a distinct service when compared to other bars and establishments that offer traditional arcade games and board games, although it does feature retro console gaming. The bar also hosts video gaming events and has done so since it opened last year, with its most recent one being the Meltdown City Clash tournament in which the winner received a €1,200 prize. ..

[#Marketing #Strategy] Intergalactic Milk Branding

From TrendHunter.com – Marketing StrategyIntergalactic Milk Branding – The Bantha Blue Milk Packaging Imagines the Product in the Real World (TrendHunter.com):

Intergalactic Milk Branding - The Bantha Blue Milk Packaging Imagines the Product in the Real World (TrendHunter.com)
(TrendHunter.com) Fans of Star Wars will likely recall Bantha milk as a beverage from the intergalactic franchise with this conceptually designed Bantha Blue Milk branding coming as an artistically designed creation…

[#Marvel] Follow the History of the Black Panther

From Marvel Movies NewsFollow the History of the Black Panther Pt. 38:

Follow the History of the Black Panther Pt. 38

For 50 years, the Black Panther has stood at the forefront on the Marvel Universe. As we count down to a vision of T’Challa on the big screen coming soon, take a look back at five decades’ worth of comic book adventures… When Shuri, the Black Panther’s sister, believed T’Challa to be conspiring with Namor, Wakanda’s greatest enemy, she banished him to the Necropolis in NEW AVENGERS #12. Later, the Illuminati built a device to view incoming “incursions,” invasions by other universes, in NEW AVENGERS #13, and the Panther saw the death of two alternate versions of himself. Armed with more information about The Black Swan, gleaned in NEW AVENGERS #15, T’Challa discovered a group of champions not unlike him and his fellow Illuminati in NEW AVENGERS #16. Called the Great Society, the Panther and Namor observed the team in NEW AVENGERS #17, and realized that fate intended them to meet. The Illuminati flew off to Egypt to confront the latest incursion in NEW AVENGERS #18, but Black Panther cautioned his comrades of the evil in destroying other heroes. Upon the Illuminati meeting the Great Society in NEW AVENGERS #19, both groups debated their ability to work together to stop the clash of universes. Ultimately, the Society decided to battle the Illuminati, and T’Challa entered into combat with the hero called The Rider in NEW AVENGERS #20, while Doctor Strange cast a dark spell to summon a horrific creature. In the middle of it all, the ghost of the Panther’s father appeared in NEW AVENGERS #21 to urge his son to detonate the bomb to destroy the Great Society’s Earth, but when T’Challa refused, his father stripped him of his kingdom and status…

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