Use ChatGPT to Build a RegEx Generator – OpenAI API Low Code Course
Published: Mar 30, 2023“
Learn how to build a dashboard that generates RegEx using the OpenAI API and a low code tool called Retool. The dashboard allows users to input a string, write a description of the desired RegEx, and generate the code to transform the string accordingly.
You can find the iframe code here:
This course was created by @AniaKubow.
Retool provided a grant to make this course possible. Learn more about Retool:
- (0:00) Introduction
- (2:36) Writing our own regex code
- (5:06) Creating the header element
- (8:11) Creating the text area
- (11:35) How to create a custom code editor
- (16:32) Creating the new button
- (19:08) Setting up the sidebar
- (20:58) Configuring the open api api
- (22:51) The body of the example example
- (24:58) Setting up the code
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Tag: freecodecamp
[#Script #Coding] Learn React 18 with Redux Toolkit – Full Tutorial for Beginners
Learn React 18 with Redux Toolkit – Full Tutorial for Beginners
Published: Mar 15, 2023“
Learn how to use React version 18 and Redux Toolkit in this full course for beginners. React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components.
Course created by @CodingAddict
Source Code
React Tutorial:
Redux Toolkit:
- (00:00:00) Setup
- (0:30:33) Folder Structure
- (0:42:58) First Component
- (0:53:25) Extensions and settings.json
- (1:06:09) JSX
- (1:20:21) Nest Components
- (1:26:35) Booklist
- (1:36:57) CSS
- (1:47:31) Images
- (1:55:31) JSX – CSS
- (2:02:17) JSX – Javascript
- (2:08:44) Props
- (2:18:33) Props – Somewhat Dynamic Setup
- (2:23:00) Access Props – Multiple Approaches
- (2:27:44) Children Prop
- (2:35:12) Simple List
- (2:43:48) Proper List
- (2:51:12) Key Prop
- (2:57:20) Props – Options
- (3:02:56) Events
- (3:21:51) Form Submission
- (3:25:35) Mind Grenade
- (3:28:55) Component Feature
- (3:34:00) React Data Flow
- (3:39:42) Challenge
- (3:48:51) ES6 Modules
- (3:58:40) Local Images (src folder)
- (4:04:25) More Challenges
- (4:13:20) Deployment
- (4:18:43) useState Hook
- (5:48:19) useEffect Hook
- (6:19:29) Multiple Returns
- (7:28:02) Folder Structure
- (8:27:07) Forms
- (9:27:53) useRef Hook
- (9:50:10) Custom Hooks
- (10:06:20) Context API
- (10:43:01) useReducer Hook
- (11:26:39) Performance
- (12:11:45) Redux Toolkit
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[#Script #Coding] Python Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI Gymnasium – Full Course
Python Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI Gymnasium – Full Course
Published: Mar 21, 2023“
Learn the basics of reinforcement learning and how to implement it using Gymnasium (previously called OpenAI Gym). Gymnasium is an open source Python library originally created by OpenAI that provides a collection of pre-built environments for reinforcement learning agents. It provides a standard API to communicate between learning algorithms and environments, as well as a standard set of environments compliant with that API.
Reinforcement learning is an area of machine learning concerned with how intelligent agents ought to take actions in an environment in order to maximize the notion of cumulative reward.
Google Colab Notebook (full tutorial code):
Gymnasium documentation:
Course developed by @EverythingTechWithMustaf
Mustaf on LinkedIn:
- (0:00:00) Introduction
- (0:04:19) Reinforcement Learning Basics (Agent and Environment)
- ((0:12:15) Introduction to OpenAI Gymnasium
- (0:14:59) Blackjack Rules and Implementation in Gymnasium
- (0:18:27) Solving Blackjack
- (0:19:46) Install and Import Libraries
- (0:23:19) Observing the Environment
- (0:27:55) Executing an Action in the Environment
- (0:33:01) Understand and Implement Epsilon-greedy Strategy to Solve Blackjack
- (0:42:28) Understand the Q-values
- (0:47:29) Training the Agent to Play Blackjack
- (0:57:10) Visualize the Training of Agent Playing Blackjack
- (1:04:34) Summary of Solving Blackjack
- (1:09:57) Solving Cartpole Using Deep-Q-Networks(DQN)
- (2:29:29) Summary of Solving Cartpole
- (2:34:07) Advanced Topics and Introduction to Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning using Pettingzoo
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[#Script #Coding] SQL Database App with Windows GUI – Project Tutorial
SQL Database App with Windows GUI – Project Tutorial
Published: Mar 16, 2023“
Learn how to design and use databases. You will create a graphical Windows application with C# that can display and modify data from a mySQL database server.
You need Microsoft Windows to follow along.
@shadsluiter is your instructor for this course. He is a Professor Of Computer Science and Software Development at Grand Canyon University.
Professor Sluiter has more courses here:
- Course Outline
- Create a new database in mySQL
- How to write sql queries
- Create a GUI front end app
- Create a Data Access Object and connect to a database
- Query the database
- Add a picture box to display album art
- Insert new records into the database
- Create a second table and a foreign key
- Table joins part a
- Table joins part b
- Design with UML and ER diagrams
- Perform compound select actions
- Delete data from a table
- Add a video player to the app
- Extended Features
- (0:00:00) Introduction
- (0:04:33) Tools we’ll need
- (0:08:49) Creating a new database
- (0:12:16) Saving the data
- (0:16:04) How to fill in a table
- (0:20:26) Select star from albums
- (0:23:44) How to delete backticks
- (0:27:16) Intro to the series
- (0:34:40) How to delete the backticks
- (0:37:49) Building the database app
- (0:42:22) Start of the demo
- (0:46:33) Creating an album class
- (0:51:19) Adding two albums to the list
- (0:55:11) Connecting the database to the database
- (0:58:08) Where does the data source live?
- (1:04:42) Setting up the database
- (1:07:53) Running the app
- (1:10:37) How to create searches
- (1:13:55) Programming the new search button
- (1:18:12) The problem with parameter queries
- (1:21:56) Adding a picture to the screen
- (1:26:12) How to test the problem
- (1:30:45) Adding new records to the database
- (1:39:22) Adding an integer to the database
- (1:43:27) Adjusting the column titles
- (1:46:13) Execute non-query query
- (1:49:06) Creating a foreign key
- (1:51:47) Install mysql workbench
- (1:55:05) Connecting to the database
- (1:59:04) Configuring the tracks table
- (2:06:49) We have a problem with Mamp synchronization
- (2:10:01) Inserting data into the tracks table
- (2:13:08) Selecting items from the database
- (2:16:46) Changes to the definition of tracks
- (2:20:55) Fixing the problem with the binding source
- (2:24:12) Foreign keys and joins
- (2:27:36) Selecting from the table
- (2:31:15) Changing the query using a join
- (2:39:10) Uml diagrams for our current application
- (2:41:58) Associative vs aggregation
- (2:45:47) Introduction to compound queries
- (2:49:53) Fetching the list of all tracks
- (2:53:03) Using the delete statement to delete tracks
- (2:56:35) The problem with converting an integer to an integer
- (3:00:33) Deleting a track by deleting its Id
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[#Script #Coding] JavaScript Tutorial – Create a Card Game
JavaScript Tutorial – Create a Card Game
Published: Dec 14, 2022“
Improve your JavaScript skills by creating a basic card game with HTML and CSS.
This tutorial not only covers creating a basic card game using JavaScript
but also:- How to create dynamic user interactive code using vanilla JavaScript
- Creating some animation effects
- Responsive layout design using CSS grid, CSS FlexBox and media queries
- How to dynamically change the positions of grid cells, so as to randomize the positions of the cards contained in a css grid using JavaScript,
- localStorage functionality
- And much More…
Gavin Lon created this tutorial. Check out his channel: @GavinLon
- (0:00:00) Introduction
- (0:05:26) Getting Started
- (0:07:00) Live Server Extension
- (0:09:50) Create Cards – HTML
- (0:14:44) Create the Game Play Grid
- (0:19:55) Create Cards Dynamically – JS Code
- (0:28:46) Initialise Card Positions
- (0:34:39) Load Game and Start Game
- (0:38:43) Stack Cards
- (0:41:53) Flip Cards
- (0:45:14) Shuffle Cards
- (0:49:28) Deal Cards
- (0:54:37) Choose Card
- (1:16:56) Styling and Layout
- (1:24:28) Animation
- (1:32:39) Responsive Layout
- (1:36:43) Local Storage
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[#Script #Coding] How to Make Money From Your Website Using Microtransactions
How to Make Money From Your Website Using Microtransactions
Published: Oct 24, 2022“
Learn how to make money from your website without having to reply on third party advertisers or selling your users data by using the Interledger Protocol and microtransactions.
Ania Kubów developed this course. Check out her channel:
Sign up for Uphold:
Coil Chrome extension:…
Sign up for Coil: for the Web provided a grant to make this course possible. Grant for the Web is an Interledger Foundation program to boost open, fair, and inclusive standards and innovation in Web Monetization.
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[#Script #Coding] Building Apps from a Business Perspective – App Product Management Complete Course
Building Apps from a Business Perspective – App Product Management Complete Course
Published: Dec 06, 2021“
Learn to turn your app solution into a reality. This course is for leaders, entrepreneurs and software developers.
Course developed by Shad Sluiter. Check out his YouTube: @shadsluiter
- 0:00:00 Course Introduction
- 0:03:14 Unit 1 – Motivations for building an app
- 0:06:44 Unit 1.1 What is the value proposition of your app?
- 0:12:40 Do you need a web app or just a better website?
- 0:15:14 Categories of Apps – which app category is easiest to compete in?
- 0:34:24 Unit 1.2 Identify the problem you are trying to solve with your app.
- 0:36:19 Candy, vitamins or addictive painkiller?
- 0:41:59 Fulfillment, recognition, security
- 0:42:54 The Five Whys
- 0:49:58 Unit 1.3 How to discover a niche in the marketplace
- 0:52:59 Follow popular trend
- 0:56:39 Add a twist
- 0:58:21 Your own expertise
- 0:59:44 Problems in existing competition
- 1:04:34 Unit 1.4 Listening to users
- 1:11:44 Users that exist in the market
- 1:14:39 Get user feedback
- 1:24:54 Idea 2.0
- 1:28:17 Homework (Airbnb and Lyft, App Annie and Sensor Tower, Write an application plan)
- 1:48:44 Unit 2 UI, UX, MVP design
- 1:56:34 How to create user stories
- 2:02:14 Planning for an MVP
- 2:05:24 Unit 2.2 Designing an effective UI user interface
- 2:07:04 On boarding new users
- 2:09:44 The Google UI Case Study
- 2:10:14 The Photoshop Adobe UI negative Case Study
- 2:14:19 Effective UI elements
- 2:17:20 Don’t Make Me Thing Steve Krug
- 2:19:34 UI design templates
- 2:20:34 Design for your target audience
- 2:22:39 Unit 2.3 How to design an effective UX User Experience
- 2:23:24 UX is where Design strategy and Technology intersect
- 2:27:14 Application Flow
- 2:29:34 Measuring Conversion Rates
- 2:30:14 UX outside of the app
- 2:31:04 The User Empathy Map
- 2:35:39 Six principles for a positive UX
- 2:37:34 Unit 2.4 The MVP
- 2:38:54 The Lean Startup MVP concept by Eric Ries
- 2:39:39 Planning for future versions of your app
- 2:40:34 What is NOT an MVP
- 2:42:44 Zappos MVP Case Study
- 2:43:44 The MVP design pyramid
- 2:45:44 The purpose of an MVP
- 2:46:44 Keeping the cost of an MVP low
- 2:50:36 Homework (App Design Case Studies, Develop User Stories, Interactive UI prototype)
- 3:11:09 Unit 3.1 Marketing and Monetization for an App
- 3:12:34 The BMC Case Study
- 3:27:04 Unit 3.2 Monetization Strategies of Apps
- 2:28:29 Apple App Store vs Google Play Store revenue
- 3:31:14 iOS vs Android user value per customer
- 3:32:19 iOS vs Android market share in various countries
- 3:44:14 Unit 3.3 Marketing Your App
- 3:53:09 Unit 3.4 Dealing with Investors
- 4:04:44 Homework 3.1 Build a BMC for your app
- 4:07:06 Unit 4.1 Building Customer Loyalty
- 4:08:04 Why Customers Abandon Apps?
- 4:09:49 First-to-Mind solution
- 4:10:59 Compulsion
- 4:11:04 Morality of Addictive Apps
- 4:13:04 The HOOK app addictive model
- 4:32:49 Homework (Understanding Hook, Applying Hook)
- 4:38:54 Unit 5.1 Choosing the Right Tools
- 4:48:19 Unit 5.2 Nine Companies Who Nailed their App
- 4:59:31 Unit 5.3 Development Languages and Cross Platform Tools
- 5:18:58 Homework (Compare Dev Tools, Recommend a Development Solution)
- 5:27:34 Unit 6.1 Full Stack Considerations
- 5:28:20 Choosing a Database Backend
- 5:29:14 SQL
- 5:31:34 noSQL
- 5:35:09 SQL vs noSQL
- 5:44:04 Graph Database
- 5:50:09 Full Text Database
- 5:56:34 Vertical Scaling
- 5:59:14 Horizontal Scaling
- 6:01:54 Data Duplication in Distributed Databases
- 6:04:44 SQL Shards
- 6:13:22 Homework (Recommend Database Solutions, Explore API services)
- 6:20:14 Unit 7.1 Hiring the Development Team
- 6:20:54 Four Roles of a Software Development Team
- 6:21:54 Product Manager
- 6:24:19 Product Designer
- 6:29:24 Front End Developer
- 6:30:29 Back End Developer
- 6:36:04 Unit 7.2 Mobile vs Web Development
- 6:47:59 Unit 7.3 Agile Team Management
- 6:48:54 SDLC Agile vs Waterfall
- 6:49:44 What is Waterfall Development?
- 6:50:59 What is Agile Scrum Methodology?
- 6:56:42 The Product Backlog
- 6:58:04 Spring Planning
- 6:58:39 Sprint Backlog
- 6:58:59 What is a Sprint?
- 6:59:42 Product Increment
- 7:00:29 Daily Scrum
- 7:01:54 Sprint Review and Retrospective
- 7:03:23 Unit 7.4 How to Write a Job Requisition
- 7:19:04 Homework (Team Roles, Internal Job Requisition, External Job Posting)
- 7:32:24 Unit 8.1 Future Trends in Mobile Development
- 7:50:22 Homework (Review Past Predictions, Current State of Development Tools, Future Mobile Tech)
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[#Script #Coding] Web Development with Python Tutorial – Flask & Dynamic Database-Driven Web Apps
Web Development with Python Tutorial – Flask & Dynamic Database-Driven Web Apps
Published: Feb 16, 2023“
Learn how to develop Dynamic Database-Driven Web Apps with Python, Flask, and MySQL. This course is broken up into two parts. In part one, you will learn how to build and deploy a site using the Flask Python web framework. In part two, you will connect the Flask application from the first part to a cloud MySQL database and learn how to deploy a production-ready database-driven web application.
Aakash N S created this course.
Submit your project & earn a certificate:
Check out Jovian’s YouTube channel: & references links:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 1
- (0:00:00) Introduction
- (0:02:07) 1.1 Project Setup & Flask Basics
- (0:22:25) 1.2 Building Web Pages using HTML
- (0:40:57) 1.3 Styling with CSS & Bootstrap
- (1:08:25) 1.4 Dynamic Data using Templates
- (1:27:22) 1.5 Deploying to the Cloud with Render
- (1:42:39) 1.6 Functional and Aesthetic Improvements
- (1:58:44) 1.7 Summary & Future Work
Part 2
- (2:04:19) Database-Driven Web Applications
- (2:07:24) 2.1 Project Setup & Deployment
- (2:21:44) 2.2 Cloud MySQL Database Setup
- (2:36:20) 2.3 DB Connection with SQLAlchemy
- (2:56:22) 2.4 Display DB Data on Web Page
- (3:20:04) 2.5 Dynamic Database-Driven Pages
- (3:49:23) 2.6 HTML Form for Applications
- (4:15:37) 2.7 Saving Applications to DB
- (4:26:23) 2.8 Summary & Future Work
(4:37:50) Conclusion
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[#Script #Coding] Harvard CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript – Full University Course
Harvard CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript – Full University Course
Published: Mar 08, 2023“
This web programming course from Harvard University picks up where CS50x leaves off. It dives more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap. Topics include database design, scalability, security, and user experience. You will learn how to write and use APIs, create interactive UIs, and leverage cloud services like GitHub and Heroku.
Slides, source code, and more at
Brian Yu teaches this course.
Watch the original CS50x course:
Course Contents
- (00:00:29) Introduction
- (00:02:42) Lecture 0: HTML, CSS
- (02:06:14) Lecture 1: Git
- (02:59:29) Lecture 2: Python
- (04:07:10) Lecture 3: Django
- (05:46:15) Lecture 4: SQL, Models, and Migrations
- (07:40:21) Lecture 5: JavaScript
- (09:31:46) Lecture 6: User Interfaces
- (11:12:01) Lecture 7: Testing, CI/CD
- (12:45:59) Lecture 8: Scalability and Security
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[#Script #Coding] AlphaZero from Scratch – Machine Learning Tutorial
AlphaZero from Scratch – Machine Learning Tutorial
Published: Feb 28, 2023“
In this machine learning course, you will learn how to build AlphaZero from scratch. AlphaZero is a game-playing algorithm that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to learn how to play board games at a superhuman level.
Trained Models + Code for each Chapter:
AlphaZero-Paper: Förster created this course.
- (0:00:00) Introduction
- (0:01:35) Overview – Part 1
- (0:05:43) MCTS-Explained
- (0:27:03) AlphaMCTS-Explained
- (0:39:05) Overview – Part 2
- (0:45:14) Chapter 1: TicTacToe
- (1:00:32) Chapter 2: MCTS
- (1:34:54) Chapter 3: Model
- (2:03:09) Chapter 4: AlphaMCTS
- (2:16:39) Chapter 5: AlphaSelfPlay
- (2:35:13) Chapter 6: AlphaTrain
- (2:47:15) Chapter 7: AlphaTweaks
- (3:08:18) Chapter 8: ConnectFour
- (3:21:48) Chapter 9: AlphaParallel
- (3:55:59) Chapter 10: Eval
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