Congress takes on immigration issue amid election pressures
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate begins a rare, open-ended debate on immigration and the fate of the "Dreamer" immigrants on Monday, and Republican senators say they'll introduce President Donald Trump's plan. Though his proposal has no chance of passage, Trump may be the most influential voice in the conversation….
Emergency teams search for victims of Russian plane crash
MOSCOW (AP) — Emergency teams combed snowy fields outside Moscow Monday for debris from a crashed Russian airliner and the remains of the 71 people who died….
North Korea won Pyeongchang political gold, but what’s next?
PYEONGCHANG, South Korea (AP) — North Korea won the political gold medal at Pyeongchang just by showing up. But what's next?…
White House response reflects obstacles facing abused women
WASHINGTON (AP) — When Jennifer Willoughby and Colbie Holderness stepped forward to tell the story of how they were physically, verbally and emotionally abused by their ex-husband, who had since become a top White House aide, President Donald Trump had nothing but good things to say about the man they had accused of domestic violence….
Attorney general suit: Weinstein Co. failed to protect women
NEW YORK (AP) — New York's attorney general is accusing Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein of "repeatedly and persistently" sexually harassing female employees at his film company, according to a lawsuit filed on Sunday by the state prosecutor that could impact the company's potential sale….
Blackout hits northern Puerto Rico following fire, explosion
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — An explosion and fire at an electric substation threw much of northern Puerto Rico into darkness late Sunday in a setback for the U.S. territory's efforts to fully restore power more than five months after Hurricane Maria started the longest blackout in U.S. history….
‘I feel trapped’: Violence fuels fear among Myanmar Muslims
YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — For four straight days last month, Rahim Muddinn watched, amazed, as Myanmar's state-run newspapers published special supplements showing Rohingya Muslims accused of being terrorists – nearly 250 photos each day….
Israeli military court to try Palestinian teen protest icon
NABI SALEH, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian protest icon Ahed Tamimi is to go on trial before an Israeli military court on Tuesday for slapping and punching two Israeli soldiers – an act Palestinians say embodies their David vs. Goliath struggle against a brutal military occupation and Israel portrays as a staged provocation meant to embarrass its military….
The Latest: Dahlmeier is Olympics’ 1st double gold medalist
PYEONGCHANG, South Korea (AP) — The Latest on the Pyeongchang Olympics (all times local):…
Only on AP: Iconic photo showed America Vietnam War’s toll
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) — Dallas Brown can still see the bullets coming for him 50 years later, smacking into the dirt at his feet as north Vietnamese soldiers fired on his platoon during an ambush deep in the jungle….