2 Men Arrested in Denmark Following Churchyard Vandalism
Police say two men, aged 27 and 38, have been arrested on suspicion of 'gross vandalism' of gravestones in the Jewish section of a churchyard in northwestern Denmark.
Prince Charles Discusses Climate Change With Indian Experts
Prince Charles is meeting with Indian experts during a two-day visit to the country focusing on global challenges such as climate change and business sustainability.
Chinese Buyer of British Steel Looks to Grow Abroad
Jingye Group’s purchase of British Steel Ltd. gives the privately owned Chinese steelmaker a chance to grow outside a home market dominated by giant state-owned mills.
Gambia Truth Hearings Grip Nation as Past Atrocities Emerge
The confessions stop people short in Gambia’s sunbaked streets, drawing crowds to radios crackling with accounts of atrocities that are only now coming to light.
German Parliament Committee Ousts Far-Right Chairman
The German parliament’s legal affairs committee has ousted its chairman, a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany, amid anger over a string of provocative comments.
Hundreds of Motorists Blocked by Catalan Separatists
Hundreds of car and truck drivers were stuck Wednesday in a large traffic jam in northeastern Spain caused by Catalan separatists blocking a major highway near the city of Girona.
Ex-Tory Minister Advises Public to Vote Against Party
A former Conservative Party Cabinet minister says giving the party a majority in next month’s election would be 'disastrous' because it would allow Prime Minister Boris Johnson to take the U.K. out of the European Union without a deal.
World’s Thirst for Oil to Keep Growing Until 2030s
The world’s thirst for oil will continue to grow until the 2030s and climate-damaging emissions will keep climbing until at least 2040 ? unless governments rethink how we fuel our lives, according to an important global energy industry forecast.
Turkey Says It Captured ‘Important’ IS Figure in Syria
The Turkish interior minister says Turkey has captured an 'important' figure within the Islamic State group in Syria.
South Korean Court Begins Trial Over Japan’s Sexual Slavery
A Seoul court on Wednesday began hearing a long-awaited civil case filed against the Japanese government by South Korean women who were forced to work in Japan’s World War II military brothels.