[#Video #Design] Finding Your Keyframe Duration in After Effects | Day 12 of our 12 Days of MoGraph Giveaway

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Finding Your Keyframe Duration in After Effects | Day 12 of our 12 Days of MoGraph Giveaway

By School of Motion
Published: Dec 17, 2021

School of Motion ENTER FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN 1 of 12 GREAT PRIZES 🎁 https://som.bz/3d0FzPl
Ryan Summers from School of Motion is here to give you a tip about finding the space between keyframes in After Effects! A lot of magic occurs between your first and last keyframes, just like a lot of magic is going to happen between the first and last days of next years. Head to the link above to enter the 12 Days of M… [READ MORE]

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