[#Video #Design] Tutorial: Cinema 4D Shadowbox – Window to Another World

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Tutorial: Cinema 4D Shadowbox – Window to Another World

By School of Motion
Published: Dec 06, 2023

School of Motion Download the corresponding project file: https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/cinema-4d-shadowbox

Transform a 2D shadowbox into a 3D masterpiece by crafting unique spline shapes, extruding them in Cinema 4D, and bringing your creation to life with dynamic lighting and textures.

All Courses – https://som.bz/3SUg5Yb
2D Animation – https://som.bz/3VCBtme
3D Courses – https://som.bz/3ArdpZu
Cinema 4D Basecamp – https://som.bz/3yMKrmc
Advanced Motion Methods – https://som.bz/3FvmJP0
Cinema 4D Ascent – https://som.bz/42iQGM1

00:00 Intro

01:07 Shadowbox References

02:07 The Scene Setup

05:05 Setting Up The Camera

06:56 Adding The Picture Frame

16:28 More Materials & Lighting

20:20 Adding The Wall

23:07 A Little Bit of Cleanup

25:40 Setting Your Angle

27:48 Matte-ing

29:04 Adding The Glass Material

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