To save his family from Nuclear devastation, Mike had an impenetrable underground fortress built...

Armageddon was cancelled, but they forgot to tell him.

Y2K Mike - The First Great Prank of the 21st Century - by Eric Brooks
Sunday, January 2nd, 2000 -01:30:23 EST-

Hello jourrnal, it's me, Bob.

Well, hitch me up with Lorena Bobbit, and call me "stubby"!

Turns out that paranoid moron put in for a weeks vacation. I told our manager Mr. Mankewiecz (aka the "hillbilly pollock") what we did, and he didn't even bat an eye!

Sure me and Jerry have pulled off some classics at the factory, but shit! This is our best prank to date... (HEE HEE!)

That's ok...we think the pollock has no sense of humor, and probably molests little kids anyway. I mean, damn WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT GUY???? This is some good stuff here!

Anyway, Jerry finally got around to listen to the tapes and copeying it down on the computer.

Forgive him people. He's a little slow, useing two fingers to type and all...

Not to mention the dumbass spelled "War Jourrnal" WRONG!

« PREV ©2000 Bob & Jerry
You CAN'T make this stuff up!!!!!