Arkham Knight Intro (Swinging ’60’s Version)

Arkham Knight Intro (Swinging ’60’s Version)
The first half hour of Batman: Arkham Knight. What if it took place in 1966 with Adam West and the dark tones covered with campy "Pow!", "Biff!" "BAM!" effects?

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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Adam West Batman – Shadow War

Adam West Batman – Shadow War – Season of Infamy DLC
Gotham City is being torn apart by a Civil War between the League of Assassin loyalists and rebels. One side is trying to stop the resurrection of their master, Ra’s al Ghul. Can 1966 Batman prevent a war without compromising his one rule?

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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Adam West Batman – Beneath The Surface

Adam West Batman – Beneath The Surface
Nightwing and the 1966 Batman investigate the wreck of a flying maximum security prison, which crashed into Gotham Bay. Not only do they have to take down Killer Croc, and contain all the escapees, they also discover a dark secret that Iron Heights Penitentiary is holding.

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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Adam West Batman in Wonderland

Adam West Batman in Wonderland
Jervis Tetch, aka The Mad Hatter, has taken three GCPD Officers hostage.can the 1966 Batman rescue them all?
From the Arkham Knight "Season of Infamy" DLC.

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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1966 Batmobile – Penguin Dockyard

– 3 Lap Race – Batman: Arkham Knight
Taking the 1966 TV show Batmobile around the movie set for three laps. (Tip: drifting is the key to making the time.)

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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Robin: Flip Of A Coin (Swingin' '60's Version)

Robin: Flip Of A Coin (Swingin' '60's Version) – Batman Arkham Knight
Two-Face has escaped from jail, and it is up to the newlyweds, Robin and Oracle, to put him back behind bars.

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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Catwoman’s Revenge (Swingin’ ’60’s version)

Catwoman’s Revenge (Swingin' '60's version)
Julie Newmar Catwoman seeks revenge on the Riddler for attaching a bomb and holding her hostage the night before. A DLC story from Batman: Arkham Knight

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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1960's Batman and Catwoman vs. The Riddler

1960’s Batman and Catwoman vs. The Riddler – Batman: Arkham Knight
Julie Newmar Catwoman is being held hostage by the Riddler. Can Adam West Batman and his 1966 Batmobile save her?

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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Joker Musical "Look Who’s Laughing Now?" (Swinging ’60’s Version)

Joker Musical “Look Who’s Laughing Now?” (Swinging ’60’s Version)
Performed by Mark Hamill. The Joker’s blood has infected Lounge Lizard Johnny Charisma, who sets a trap for 1960’s Adam West Batman involving bombs and a funny musical number. Can Burt Ward’s Robin save the day?

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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1960’s Batman & Robin

1960’s Batman & Robin – Arkham Knight
Almost 70,000 views on YouTube, it is by far my most popular video yet.
Adam West Batman and Burt Ward Robin thrill us once more in a 2015 setting. Battling Bad Guys and keeping Gotham City Safe.

The background song is called “Swinging Batman Song” I got it at

Eric Brooks

Web & Graphic Designer, Blogger, Musician, Evil Clown. I also code websites and promote people for a living. Still kind of a jerk, though. Approach with food.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
