"I support my friends" Policy
In the last few years, through various websites & projects, I've had the pleasure of meeting a lot you along the way. We've written back and forth, became good friends, and saw each other through the good times, and some of our darkest hours too. A lot of you gave me great advice when I needed it, and I hope I helped you too.
I love your personal web pages. Whether it's a fancy "dot-com" or on Social Media, they're all good. It gives me a chance to get
to know you better, see the face behind the email. I feel like you welcomed
me in to meet your family, hear your thoughts, hog the video games while
dinner is cooking (Man, your kids hate when I do that!) .
When I protested, you guys protested with me. When I lose my temper and go too far, I listen to you all when you put me back my place. When I try to rub elbows with the "web elite", and they let me know I am (in no uncertain terms) "Not one of them"...my battered & bruised ego would come back here to find you guys; still there for me no matter what I did...no matter who I thought I was trying to be.
You guys are my friends. When you download fonts, or freebies, play
the Magic Crystal Ball, read my stories...you're showing your support to this
To me. When you drop me a note, mention me in your weblog, or sign my guestbook
to let me know you were here, that makes me feel good. Hell, that makes
me feel great!
I have always supported my friends on this site, whether a quick plug of your site or a public acknowledgment of what you've done... you support me, I support you. It's that simple. In a time where the web gets more political, money driven, and name-dropping by the minute, I feel it's time to formally publish my "support my friends policy". Drop me a line , add your link, and see if you're a "Weekend Surf Pick". Just let me know you were here.....
Because when all is said & done...the web was nothing more than people connecting and making friends all over the world.
Eric Brooks
-September 27th 2022-