Sites I’m keeping an eye on:
Hi, I’m Black! – Glenn cracks me up!!! Rocky III (In my opinion) was the best one… “White Glenn” is picking on him, and he’s trying to explain to Venomous Kate that, yes, you can accomplish a wide array of traffic by merely being obnoxious.
(A point I thought I proved a long time ago.)
Hee hee… every time I hear “White Glenn” I think of that episode in All In The Family when Archie was in the hospital and didn’t realize the French guy behind the curtains was Black:
“Black Elmo? Tell me, is there a ‘White Elmo’?”
“Oh yeah, but we just call him ‘Regular Elmo’…” (*SNORT!*)
Acidman – God help me. I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with a single thing Rob has ever said, and yet I find myself drawn to his site with every train wreck in an “Oh no, he didn’t just say *THAT*, did HE?”- kinda way.
Kind of an ornery dude. But considering what his wife put him through I can understand the anger… and hey, who else can talk about a bionic dick and keep a straight face? I have to admit, as a blogger he’s got that rare “staying power” quality that so many people lack.
Back with a vengeance:
Traveling in Style – Yep, Suzette… That Jet-Set International Blogging Superstar has re-invented herself with a whole new look and attitude. Still making her friends shine in the headlights.
Remember: If it doesn’t say “WIERDSMOBILE”, it’s unmitigated crap!
Diagonal Walls – Heh heh, I knew Kimberly Whatzawhozzits couldn’t stay away for long… it’s in her blood. Hell, FrogBlog was one of the first weblogs I ever saw on the web scene (back in the late 90’s).
Another site with a killer design which all the kids will try and dissect and figure out how she did it… same way we all used to try and learn the latest guitar tricks every time a new Van Halen album came out.
Glassy-eyed – Dee is ALSO back and has totally re-invented herself.
Never mind who’s DEE??? She’s back. That’s all you need to know. Stop being a nosey jerk, YOU!!!!
(Side note: It’s so good to know that I’m not the only one into change. I have this half written screed called “Metamorphosis” in my drafts, explaining why I’m not the same guy anymore… and was afraid you’d all think I was nuts… than usual.)
Hey, thanks!
Yes, it’s nice to be back. (HA! Well the nice part is subject to change – but the back part is not!)
Weird, eh? It looks like there are 2 billion weblogs on the interent, but I think there must really be only about 800 or 900 bloggers in the world who just keep changing identities.