Israel Demolishes Home of Palestinian Assailant in West Bank
Israeli forces have demolished the home of a Palestinian charged with killing a soldier during an Israeli raid in the West Bank earlier this year.
Russia Claims US Ignoring Outreach on Nuclear Disagreement
The Russian Defense Ministry says that it wants to sit down with the Pentagon for 'open and specific' talks on alleged violations of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty.
US Orders Some Staffers From Congo as Election Approaches
The United States has ordered 'non-emergency' government employees and family members to leave Congo as a major election approaches and armed groups remain a concern.
The Latest: Paris Police, Protesters in Minor Scuffle
The Latest on France protests (all times local):
South Sudan Starts Planning for Life Beyond War, Cautiously
For the first time since fleeing his home when civil war broke out in South Sudan five years ago, Raan Bona is daring to plan for the future.
Turkey Vows to Keep Striking PKK Targets in Iraq
Turkey says it will continue to defend itself against terrorists after its strikes against Kurdish militants in northern Iraq sparked criticism from Baghdad.
AP PHOTOS: A Selection of Pictures From the Past Week
Here’s your look at highlights from the weekly AP photo report, a gallery featuring a mix of front-page photography, the odd image you might have missed and lasting moments our editors think you should see.
Suspected Food Poisoning Kills 11 at Indian Temple Ceremony
Police on Saturday arrested three people after at least 11 died of suspected food poisoning following a ceremony to celebrate the construction of a new Hindu temple in southern India.
21 Detained Before Paris Protests as Police Deploy in Force
Paris police deployed in large numbers Saturday for the fifth straight weekend of demonstrations by the 'yellow vest' protesters, with authorities repeating calls for calm after protests on previous weekends turned violent. At least 21 people were detained beforehand.
Sri Lanka’s Disputed Prime Minister Resigns to End Impasse
Sri Lanka’s disputed prime minister resigned on Saturday, saying he wanted to end a long political impasse over his appointment and allow the president to form a new government.