[#Design] Free Lynda.com Video – Logo Design: Illustrating Logo Marks

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From CreativePro.comFree Lynda.com Video ? Logo Design: Illustrating Logo Marks:

Free Lynda.com Video ? Logo Design: Illustrating Logo MarksProfessional logo design, like many creative endeavors, requires both great imagination and execution. You need both the right idea and the chops to pull it off with vectors. Von Glitschka’s Lynda.com course, Logo Design: Illustrating Logo Marks, covers the process of logo building from start to finish. Here’s the official course description: This logo design course is all about craftsmanship of the artwork, the minutia of building logo marks. It’s focused on what goes into the execution of a good logo?because it won’t matter what the idea is if you design it poorly. Von Glitschka explains how drawing complements the brainstorming and design process, introduces time-tested build methods for vector-based graphics, and explains how to make the critical decisions around format, color, and other aspects of brand identity. These creative tactics and workflows will help you create better, stronger workflows that display beautifully in all formats: in print, on the web, or in motion. Topics include: Drawing your design Selecting a logo style Building a logo with shapes Creating modular designs Establishing brand colors and visual continuity Iconifying complex shapes Adding dimension to flat motifs Using negative space Delivering the final logo files and style guides…

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