I’m better now.
It seems for a while I was lost, and couldn’t see the bigger picture (I hate when I do that).
I needed a good flow of negative energy to respark my need and will to survive.
Yes. I need my hate and rage and pain. It’s what keeps me feeling for others. I need my chaos and mayhem to appreciate order. I need to see the world through the eyes of a child to tap into the magic and wonder that we seem to lose over the years. No matter how absurd it appears on the surface… I need to believe, and listen to that still, small voice inside me as my guide.
I need to believe and set my course to the largest star and follow it.
And that star is leading me the hell out where I currently live.
All I needed was a chance….
(Special thanks to ~T~, MissD, Bob, Jeanna and Lee for helping me find my way back…)
You’re not giving up on yourself that easy babe – not while I’m around.
welcome back =e=. show us your stuff!