[Entertainment] First Look At Bokeem Woodbine As The Shocker

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From Comic Book MovieFirst Look At Bokeem Woodbine As The Shocker On The Set Of SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING?:

First Look At Bokeem Woodbine As The Shocker On The Set Of SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING?We’ve yet to receive confirmation that Bokeem Woodbine will be playing Herman Schultz, the Shocker, in Spider-Man: Homecoming even though a call sheet had leaked the casting. However, the latest photos from the Atlanta set of the 2017 reboot may have revealed our very first look at the Fargo actor in his full costume as the classic Spidey supervillain. Instagram seems to be the original source of the collaged photos below, so the quality is not all the great, and we can’t see if it’s actually Woodbine in the classic yellow suit given he’s costumed from head to toe. However, we can see devices attached to his wrists which will likely help him send out shock waves much to Spider-Man’s dismay. Apparently, this is the first of two battle suits the Shocker will don, so what do you think?

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