Gee… why do I follow @jane_bot on Twitter?
Her WITS, of course.

Seriously, she’s funny as hell though, and “Pretty and Funny” go a long way with me, (as I imagine most guys on the web)… inappropriate remarks when you least expect it? EVEN BETTER!
jane_bot -Seeing an old person using a cell phone is the closest I’ll ever get to meeting a real unicorn.
jane_bot – Thank you, sour cream I spilled on my jeans at lunch, for making me look like I got some.
jane_bot – I’m convinced bartenders put a maraschino cherry in my drink to remind me of what I can’t remember ever having.
Another one who has caught my eye lately is Spricket24 on YouTube. I can watch her all day… she cracks me up!
Boner Killer!
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Okay that is all… just a quick tribute to the “Pretty and Entertaining Women of the Web”