Attention Bloggers!!! Come check out a BRAND new site that has been developed by the ladies of the BFF, The Writer’s Post, GBE2 and the lady known in blogging circles as ‘The Giggling Trucker’s Wife’
One Stop Blog World to the One Stop Blog World. We are blogging friends who each host our own blog group. Then one day, we had a vision! What if we joined together in a central location to post our blog inspiration topics, as well as a place where bloggers could link with other bloggers rather than travel from group to group? This site was born from our vision!
Each day of the week has a topic, presented by a different host. Each host will present an inspiration for their own group. We hope you will visit each group. Choose one topic to blog or choose them all! Write your blog, then post to your usual blog place. When done, return here to post a link to your blog!
A great one-stop site for blogging groups and bloggers. Get Noticed by joining the fun.