I see all these fake “i love you”s and floaty hearts around that place, and I wish myspace would make a “stab u in the eye with a pencil” emoticon.
Tag: myspace
Don’t you people know me by now? I already left.
Those ridiculous long, drawn out, goodbyes drive me insane, and I honestly doubt too many people will give a crap or even notice anyway.
I said a long time ago that when I got fed up with that place, I was leaving… and well I was fed up. I am tired of the head games, the fragile little egos, the mediocrity, the personality clashes… ad nauseum.
I joined MySpace in 2006 as a vehicle to promote my websites and projects. I learned what works, what doesn’t… but largely it is a big time waster over there. I have some projects that require my immediate attention, and this was just one less distraction.
Maybe I’ll go back, maybe I wont… who knows.
The beauty of being insane is that it makes me completely unpredictable.
There is a whole lot of talent and potential from quite a few people I see there (Bad Lisa, Chad 360°, Kelly Jo, MANtana, C.C., Qelgoth, Dirty Sally, The RSS, etc), but it’s hard to be heard & seen over a cesspool of losers with made-up online personas, and puffed up, overinflated egos who want adoration and fame for basically nothing but being an obnoxious asshole.

The place doesn’t serve my needs, so it is time to move on.
My friends know where to find me.