Gosh… I’d NEVER rely on SEO strictly as a career. Google is constantly changing their algorithms, making it an unreliable gamble. I dunno, my strategy with clients is simple…
Think like a customer:
“What would your customers search for if they were looking for you?”
Then hammer those phrases right into the site. It’s simple, effective, and worked like a charm for my sites and clients for YEARS. (please don’t tell the “experts” though. shhhh! )
The Future of Your SEO Career | SEO Book.com
So here we are, aren’t we? It’s 2011, SEO is still not dead (despite a decade of claims to the contrary), but the landscape is very, very different in this post-Panda world. Most sites that have been hit by Panda (inclusive of all iterations) are still on ice some 7 months after the initial roll out…