8 people found dead in truck in ‘human trafficking crime’
SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Eight people have been found dead in a tractor-trailer outside a Walmart in Texas in what police are calling a horrific human trafficking case….
Trump asserts all agree he has ‘complete power’ to pardon
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Saturday that he has "complete power" to issue pardons, an assertion that comes amid investigations into Russian interference in last year's presidential election. It was one of many topics that appeared to occupy the president's mind as the day broke….
Israel installs new security cameras at Jerusalem holy site
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel installed new security cameras Sunday at the entrance to a sensitive Jerusalem holy site, as officials began indicating it was considering "alternatives" to the metal detectors at the contested shrine that set off a weekend of violence and raised tensions in the region….
Princes William, Harry remember their final call with Diana
AP Interview: Ex-Gaza chief says Hamas deal will open border
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — An exiled Palestinian politician has detailed his Gaza power-sharing deal with former foe Hamas for the first time. He says the understandings reached in quiet negotiations could lead to a better future for the long-suffering territory….
Rookie from New Jersey wins World Series of Poker, $8.1M
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A New Jersey man with a degree in accounting is this year's World Series of Poker champion….
Charlie Gard protesters to rally as hospital reports threats
LONDON (AP) — Protesters who want critically ill British baby Charlie Gard to receive an experimental treatment are planning a rally and prayer vigil and hospital officials say they have received death threats in the heartbreaking case….
Trump: USS Ford is ‘100,000-ton message to the world’
NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — With praise and a blessing for the military, President Donald Trump helped hand over the USS Gerald R. Ford to the Navy on Saturday and said the state-of-the-art aircraft carrier will send a "100,000-ton message to the world" about America's military might when it is ultimately deployed….
Lawmakers herald agreement on sweeping Russia sanctions bill
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional Republicans and Democrats announced Saturday they had reached an agreement on a sweeping Russia sanctions package to punish Moscow for meddling in the presidential election and its military aggression in Ukraine and Syria….
Strong aftershocks test nerves on Greek island after quake