Top Headlines for July 24, 2017

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Headline News from the Associated Press
  • Trump son-in-law Kushner heads to Congress in Russia probe

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional investigators probing Russia's meddling in the U.S. election will have their first opportunity this week to hear from someone in President Donald Trump's innermost circle: son-in-law Jared Kushner….
  • Suspect due in court Monday after 9 die in sweltering truck

    SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Nine people are dead and the death toll could rise after emergency crews pulled dozens of people from a sweltering tractor-trailer found parked outside a Walmart in the midsummer Texas heat, victims of what officials said was an immigrant-smuggling attempt gone wrong….
  • Israel Embassy shooting in Jordan complicates shrine crisis

    JERUSALEM (AP) — A deadly shooting at Israel's Embassy in Jordan further complicated Israeli government efforts on Monday to find a way out of an escalating crisis over Jerusalem's most contested holy site, including mass Muslim prayer protests and Israeli-Palestinian violence….
  • Taliban suicide car bombing in Kabul kills 24 people

    KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide bomber rammed his car packed with explosives into a bus carrying government employees in the Afghan capital early on Monday, killing 24 people and wounding 42 others, Kabul's police chief spokesman said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the assault….
  • Brazilians funneled as 'slaves' by US church, ex-members say

    SPINDALE, N.C. (AP) — When Andre Oliveira answered the call to leave his Word of Faith Fellowship congregation in Brazil to move to the mother church in North Carolina at the age of 18, his passport and money were confiscated by church leaders – for safekeeping, he said he was told….
  • 64 years after Korean War, North still digging up bombs

    HAMHUNG, North Korea (AP) — In the 10 years he has been digging up ordnance from the Korean War, Maj. Jong Il Hyon has lost five colleagues to explosions. He carries a lighter one gave him before he died. He also bears a scar on his left cheek from a bomb disposal mission gone wrong….
  • A look at major issues Duterte confronting in his 2nd year

    MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A year ago Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte promised to cleanse his Southeast Asian nation of illegal drugs in three to six months. He said he would tame corruption and began a profanity-spiked tongue lashing of America – which he called "lousy" last week. Those "shock and awe" declarations of a year ago have collided with reality. Drugs and corruption have persisted and he grudgingly thanked the United States recently for helping t…
  • Black women picking up firearms for self-defense

    LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (AP) — Sitting in a classroom above a gun range, a woman hesitantly says she isn't sure she could ever shoot and kill someone, even to protect herself. Couldn't she just aim for their leg and try to maim them?…
  • Girl’s HIV infection seems under control without AIDS drugs

    A South African girl born with the AIDS virus has kept her infection suppressed for more than eight years after stopping anti-HIV medicines – more evidence that early treatment can occasionally cause a long remission that, if it lasts, would be a form of cure….
  • After Mosul victory, Iraq mulls future of Shiite militias

    NAJAF, Iraq (AP) — In the wake of victory against the Islamic State group in Mosul, Iraq's political, religious and military leaders are debating the future of the country's powerful Shiite militias – the tens of thousands of men who answered a religious call to arms three years ago and played a critical role in beating back the extremists….

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