Greek Ferry Crews Debate Extending Two-Day Strike Over Pay
Greek island ferries are tied up in port for a second day because of a strike by crews, whose main union is debating whether to extend the walkout for another day in pursuit of salary increases.
UK Bank CEO Resigns Following Big IT Breakdowns
The banking group TSB says its chief executive, Paul Pester, has quit after a string of huge IT failures.
South Sudan Accused of Killings, Torture, Squalor in Jails
Amnesty International says hundreds of people detained in South Sudan have faced abusive treatment, torture and even death at the hands of authorities since the country’s civil war began in late 2013.
South African Train Collision Leaves 100 Injured
South African authorities say about 100 people were injured, none of them seriously, when two trains collided in a Johannesburg suburb.
Dutch Bank Pays Huge Fine in Money Laundering Case
Prosecutors say that Dutch bank ING has paid 775 million euros ($897 million) to settle a huge money laundering case in the Netherlands.
Lego Earnings Hurt by Toys R Us Closures
Lego said Tuesday its revenue dipped in the first half of 2018, with business in North America hurt by changes in the retail industry such as the bankruptcy of store chain Toys R Us.
Robot Boat Sails Into History by Finishing Atlantic Crossing
All summer, the small boat drifted steadily eastward across the churning North Atlantic until it neared the Irish coast, where it made history by becoming the first unmanned sailboat to cross the Atlantic.
Botswana, Long an Elephant Refuge, Faces Poaching Threat
A conservation group says elephant poaching has increased in Botswana, which has long been viewed as a rare refuge for elephants in Africa.
Police Officer Accused of Punching Softball Umpire
A police officer in Louisiana is accused of attacking an umpire at a University of Louisiana at Monroe softball game.
5 Pounds of Marijuana Found Among Thrift Store Donations
Authorities say employees at a Florida thrift store found 5 pounds of marijuana while sorting clothing donations.