- Where is everyone? She’s on the air now. http://lnk.ms/90BgP #
- Nay Nay has announced the winners and an honorable mention in her T-Shirt blog… come on back! http://lnk.ms/7MKj6 #
- While I am answering my blog and pimping you all out… here is the NEXT fun thing to do… http://lnk.ms/90jQK #
- – In honor of EvilMonday, we have a surprise for the studio audience today… look under your seats… IT’S A BOMB! #
- – See you there… show starts in 10 minutes! http://lnk.ms/92Fd7 #
- … http://lnk.ms/45pbt #
- HAHAHA!!! Funny stuff… go check it out! http://lnk.ms/95RRT #
http://lnk.ms/7X4F8 #
- Oh you KNOW this has happened to you at least once, admit it! LOL! http://lnk.ms/96RsH #
- He’s back… if you don’t like him, just please skip this one without commentary ok? I have had it with the bickering a… http://lnk.ms/7XWr4 #
- Blonde woman? Arousal pills? Yeah it’s worth a read, fellas… http://lnk.ms/7Y0jX #
- Sweet Nina on BTR in 10 minutes… see you there! http://lnk.ms/89lb5 #
- – Great news kids! Save up your milk money because Nina is going to have a telethon and we are gonna BUY MEXICO! #
- OMG! We have a racial problem on MySpace… why didn’t anyone tell me? I am OFFENDED (now). http://lnk.ms/7YX8Q #
- – I need some inspiration… plus, get my falsetto voice back in shape for an upcoming song… http://lnk.ms/7YhXy #
- – Not only is it a funny blog, but I’m an idiot and keeps forgetting to add it to the list… http://lnk.ms/7XXQX #
- – Yes!!! We’re doing it… we are all chipping in to buy MEXICO!!! http://lnk.ms/7YY2m #
- Check it out! http://lnk.ms/988tz #
- After Sweet Nina’s show (an hour from now), tune in for… http://lnk.ms/99fMM #
- It on right now come join us http://lnk.ms/99fMM #
- Not sure what the story is here… but the sentiments of his blog go for me as well, ok? (Except the FCC part. They lov… http://lnk.ms/7bcgm #
- – THANK YOU ALL FOR AN AWESOME WEEK! You guys brought the FUN back to MySpace! Come on back and check out all these fun… http://lnk.ms/8yz5C #
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