Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:
- PVT MSG:@batiekear @CrazedMinx @VannaBanana01 Hi. I just heard back from the clinic and got bad news. You may need to make an appointment. #
- They say one out of four neighbors is a potential rapist. I don’t see it. I just see three chicks on my block who are asking for it. #
- They say one out of four neighbors is a potential rapist. I don’t see it. I just see three chicks on my block who are asking for it. #
- – Damn you people for getting me hooked on the MEME generator!!!! #
- – I mean come on!!! Even i want to punch myself in the mouth for this one!!! #
- It appears my personal profile and my ‘Randi’ profile was deleted on Facebook. How many guesses do you think *I* need for who was behind it? #
- btw, this is Tweet number 666 for me. W00t!!!!!! #
- Q: How many dates do you go on a person befo… A: Depends on the sparks and chemistry.: #
- Why does Tweet number 666 keep getting deleted??? #
- Yeah… I’m like totally bald now. :D: #
- Yes, I keep rope, duct tape, and a shovel in my trunk. So what? Why do women and cops always assume the worst with me??? #
- So what do we call yesterday’s mass extinction on Facebook, anyway… “The LOLocaust”? “Dramageddon”? #facebookmassdeletionspree #
- HOW TO: Reactivate a Disabled Facebook Account #
- See update on bottom for how to reinstate your disabled account. #
- Kids… I have discovered a magic potion that makes men and women more attractive and friends funnier & interesting. I call it ‘whiskey’. #
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? #
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