Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:
- As brilliant, talented, handsome, witty and charming as I am… I amaze myself at how humble I am about it all. #
- Been spending the last 2 months revamping and optimizing EricBrooks.Com and rebuilding my web presence with friends. Look 4 BIG news soon. #
- I kinda like how “Good Lord Brooks” sounds. #EB_isAnEgotisticalAHole #
- PAY ATTENTION: This will be on the test Friday, and counts as 1/3 of your grade. #
- U ever get the urge to *NOT* take the ‘High Road’ or ‘Be the Bigger Person’… and just be a Complete Dick? Try it. It’s FUN.
- I just got banned from ebay. Apparently they don’t consider a plastic tube and a rat as selling an “Abortion Kit”. #
- – @jane_bot The commercial I sat though before this was longer. hahahaaaa! #
- Ever wake up with a skull-splitting hangover and discover a male tranny hooker in your bed? Uhhhh… me neither. o_0 #
- #1thingicantstand is #ClaussenPickles Tumblr, iPad, Justin Bieber, HERSHEY Pennsylvania, and Facebook (ok that’s several things) #
- Have a broken laptop? Don’t throw it away. Ship it to these guys and they can fix it. #
- #ChrisBrownNeedsTo stop saying “I’d Hit It” every time he sees a pretty girl. #
- #ff @ciassy @20twin402 @ann_vw @StriveVGI @lac410 @SakuraShuga @AlarmTweets @i5city @Taylorserenade @HeatherBianchi @alex_roosevelt #
- #ff @Caramel_Pin_Up @LoveRomantic @Brwnskin_xoxo @middlefingaLove @SBENews @QuirksByAnnie @JustLike_Honey @441mxTeV @GagasBalls #
- #ff @NinjaHeatherMT @soccertotaltv @gessrock4 @AlannaTheBoss @_MadeinDetroit @UnaoO @ailisharris @ClassyIsMyWay @ArleenMarett348 #
- #ff @drummergirllm @itsmarieannab @x_Brooke_Gibb_x @PopFusion @THEFSBOKING @NadBedar @caycee33 @KISS_NENE @Shaaron_xo @csimp95 #
- #ff @VerityLPayne1D @BradleyQNoble @CharlieeGrimes @jsantos502 @poshbrood @MaliaMFMasoli @Gemeaux_Amour_ @BluntssNBroadss @DrBermant #
- #ff @avaappleton @SexyAngelEmmaH @WelshpoolBestOf @Craiken_ @IRONNUMA @_AlisonCruz_ @taay_vdlr @Spnfan4evr @DOTProduct @LizzieDaNinja #
- #ff @StylesCurlyness @WCScales @ant97m @onewbot @BravoH @OShop @Roxanna213 @Kafae_ @hopeyhopey123 @yaelfica @Comicbook_Hiro @TheRealJaDee #
- #ff @ProductsForCats @MakeupNhearts9 @ForsisJungw @midnightjess190 @brieanna_s @22buttercup22 @felinelovers @Paisleighsroom @scherstnev #
- #ff @InterracialKiss @vickyy25 @lulubelly1 @BetterThanToday @trinitascellars @OurWorldisJDB @Kelsenator_07 @Rebex1D @shaunbeasmore #
- #ff @iGingerBelieber @Sophie_Robins @RubiCruz13 @I_said_what_I @SupermanHighh @kyraxtaylor @jjptr @xAliciaLanderx @MirunaSerian #
- #ff @loans_auto @loans_for_you_ @ChucksNdChevys @Dopeass_Friend @tools19 @GlendaVA @WPClink @Vainn_Magazine @LovingLouis_1D @31louisepage #
- #ff @Miowsy @HausOfChelsie @mamadegiglios03 @yuane777 @L_Hawkins @KakesKisses @milliesprayxxx @SydHillsLife @ALWAYSaSTAR24 @JDBeliebe #
- #ff @MelACrow @utmosthealth @KevinHeinbuch @Askjillsessa @loans_to @for_loans @autoloans3 @Euskatel003 @TahanyTI @LeezyLee817 #
- #ff @gillmanins @jevatz46 @applescores @SophiieLeelee @AzureNick @ManicTrout @JennaLynnLex @alxcaesarion @Lottie_Monk @jobywanawesome #
- #ff @winniebravo @jcaranci @Ditalianoz @MKeithHarris @Mrsbaankz @ReportCards @Newmusicpromo23 @ericnaroyan @Charlotte_Betts @Young_NPaid_Tae #
- #ff @voteelgavino @1static1 @verysexytime @thebig80sbitch @bethycutiepie13 @jane_bot @wildchild69 @measterbunny @jesusthehobo @batiekear #
- #ff @juztjeff @santa_4_reals @i_said_what_i @el_rayle @spanky_gofaster @aliciabillings @buddahkitty @neonbubble @stateofmantana @sovietdisco #
- #ff @divasupermum @spnfan4evr @bravoh @caro__line @markkram1969 @wholietta @you_aintmebitch @lokisoldlady @laurencowell @jesus_m_christ #
- #ff @toniab94 @medtechcerb @gillmanins @jcaranci @autumnlee88 @alyssapfeiler @ditalianoz @ditalianoz @sophiieleelee @pregnancyorg @djs0617 #
- Ya know, except for the whole ‘body in the trunk’ thing, I think tonite’s party went rather well… #
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