Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:
- If u are one of those people running around saying ‘AWESOME SAUCE’ all the time, then you need to be in an accident involving fire ants, ok? #
- Oh, I’m sorry, @Jesus_M_Christ – I didn’t realize praying for a woman to love me that DIDN’T have an STD was such a tall order for you.
- Friends are throwing me a cyber birthday party on Facebook today… YOU’RE INVITED! #
- bwahahahaha! RT @rogueflorida: I rt so much to annoy people who’s only tweets are complaining abour rts #pissoff #
- OK! RT @KristeenRichard: #TeamFollowback pls follow/support upcoming @ThatBoyMarshay listen to his song “Wetter” #
- THANK YOU! RT @jimmler: #FollowFriday @ericbrookscom @latinaturk @thitiaofficial (via @ffhelper) #
- Sure are a lot of bitter old geezers haunting abandoned amusement parks in this country in monster costumes, aren’t there? Thx, Scooby Doo! #
- VOTE for @ModelGinnyGunn in MAXIM’s Hometown Hottie Contest #
- happy birthday @Chadthreesixty (this post is pre-timed from yesterday, you know, in case I’m killed in the hurricane or something) SMILES!! #
- HURRICANE AFTERMATH: OH DEAR GOD, THE STENCH OF DEATH IS EVERYWH… oh. It’s just my socks under the desk. Sorry. #
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