It’s been a while since I’ve commented on any web-skirmishes (no I haven’t missed any, I just chose to avoid them like the plague. Most of them were stupid, and a waste of my time anyway.).
I thought I’ve read it all on the web, but this load of horseshit definitely takes the cake:
But a slap across the face or their ass…you betcha! I don’t care who it is! The discipline does not just need to come from the parent. Remember the paddle in the principle’s office?”
Responses from the web:
In fact, I can’t think of a single parent that would say anything like that.
Yeah, Meryl has hit the point that Bhoomi, Glenn, and I have found very disturbing in this post. While you’re at it Valerie, can you stay away from my kids too?
Let’s roll the videotape…
Uhm… yeah, you DID say that.
By the way, it’s “PRINCIPAL‘S office” not “PRINCIPLE‘s office”
(Which end of you did they use that paddle on, Valerie? Just curious.)
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Seeing as how Glenn was made an example of in the comments by a bunch of bitter, obviously-childless, people (who found the word “penis” offensive, yet they used variations of the word “fuck” at least 12 times to get their points across on this page… go figure!), you’d have to be out of your mind to post an opposing opinion in there. So I’ll say it here:
Oh no. I wouldn’t say that at all. What I would say is:
If someone lays one finger on any of my children. I will fuck them up.
Just so we’re clear on this in the event of any future discussions on this topic.
Doesn’t matter if you’re big or small. If you’re bigger than me, I’ll use a baseball bat. If you’re smaller than me, it’ll probably hurt more. If you’re exactly my size, I’ll probably use a baseball bat, just so you’ll hurt as much as if you were smaller than me. I fight dirty, so wear “ball protectors” when you see me coming.
I will teach you that hitting is wrong, by beating you to a pulp.
Any questions?
No. I am not particularly thrilled with the current laws, created by a bunch of hysterical liberals, that curtail parents from disciplining their children, nor do I agree with them 100%. I have learned, however, that a little reasoning does go a long way with my kids. I know my kids aren’t saints. I know their flaws and I know their strengths. I know they can be royal pains in the asses sometimes. Reversing the situation with “How would YOU feel if that was done to you?” or “Would YOU like it if the cat stuck a fork through YOUR stomach?” usually breaks them from a lot of their annoying practices. Of course, my kids are probably a lot more intelligent than your hellspawn, I’ll give you that.
As this is the “house where all the kids come to play”, and like to call my wife and I, “mom & dad”, they also have many obnoxious friends. Yet, somehow, the thought of me smacking any them has never crossed my mind. For starters, they’re not mine to do it to. I go to their parents.
If their response is: “My child would NEVER DO THAT!”…
Then I threaten to punch their mom or dad in the mouth.
If you ask me, that’s where you’re doing society the favor.
“Not MY child” types are the ones who need to be hit with a clue-by-four.
What was even more disturbing was the cattle call of “Right ons!” and “Hell Yeahs” in the comments of that post from the folks who all have a history of giving me a migrane when I read their blogs. You know, deep thinkers who can solve the Middle East crisis with genocide, object to their tax money paying to give American kids breakfast (yet a $70 billion+ quagmire in Iraq is no problem), or curing my headache with .44 caliber aspirin.
Most memorable quote:
Oh wait… that was Maddox and his spoof about child abuse. He was being funny. Quite scarily, these folks are saying the same thing and are dead serious.
My mom hit me maybe once in my whole life, usually she just had to talk to me the way I talk to my kids now. Of course, I realize I was a superior child, as many of you were probably hellspawn.
I’m not sure how old Valerie is that she could be sent to the “principle’s office” for a paddle, but I went to public school in Brooklyn from 1970-1983, and teachers weren’t allowed to hit us back then.
Last I checked, hitting a minor was against the law.
EricBrooks.Com® – Yes, by all means, beat your kids (and everyone else’s) to make them upstanding citizens. It worked wonders for Jeffrey Dahmer, folks who grew up to abuse their children, and a bevy of other serial killers and child molesters, didn’t it?
*Note – I found out a day later, the author of that poorly-written drivel’s name is Valerie, not Trish… but calling her Trish pisses her off for some reason, so I’m leaving it. Hee! Hee!
** On second thought 11/21/03 – The REAL Serenity has shown up, and while it’s been real fun (and it seems many people have made the same case of mistaken identity with this half-witted wannabe), it’s not right to insult the real Trish like this… therefore I’m switching it all back to “Valerie”, that moron’s real name. And my sincerest apologies to Trish.
First off, the name is Serenity, not Trish. Second, why don’t you post the REST of that paragpraph and not just the two sentences that make it look like you know what you are talking about. The entire post is about authority figures in school! Where did you get your reading comprehension skills from?!
You and Yourish need to remove your heads from your ass.
Ohhhh… you’re serenity now. (like in calm and peaceful?).
Nah, I like Trish better (or are we trying to hide ourselves for some reason? You might want to change your WHOIS info, genius.)
No… I think as parents we (and it’s definitely more than just us two who feel this way) know a little more about the topic than you do. And I still disagree that school employees (I sure as hell ain’t considering a bus driver an “authority” figure.) have the right to hit kids. I agree they have a rough job that I sure as hell wouldn’t want to do, but they have procedures for that kind of stuff.
Whether I post the rest of the “paragpraph” or not… it’s irrelevant to the point that was made.
my dad was a bus driver…he would never DREAM of doing anything like that to a kid…
my kids don’t ride the bus…but if they ever did, or ANYONE at the school, including the principal…layed one finger on my child, there would be hell to pay!!
I know my children are no angels…hell, I’m their mother, no one knows that better than me! but I am the parent, not the bus driver, principal, or teacher…it’s MY job to discpline…and THEIR job to notify me if my child is doing something that warrant’s it while at school.
Um, no, Serenity or Trish or whatever you prefer to call yourself, the entire post is about it being alright that a bus driver hit a kid for saying the word, “penis”. (Imagine if YOU had been on that bus, what with your calling a kid you don’t even know a “shithead” and a “little fuck” and all. Good God, the bus driver would’ve beaten you to a bloody pulp and then jumped up and down on what was left for good measure.) If my kid does something so wrong that he needs to be smacked for it, then I’m the one who will do the smacking. Not some guy who drives a bus. End of story.
“Would YOU like it if the cat stuck a fork through YOUR stomach?”
Would YOU like it if the cat tried to see if YOUR ear could be turned completely inside out?
Yes, my children were, are, and always will be LITTLE ANGELS! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Nah, I like Trish better (or are we trying to hide ourselves for some reason? You might want to change your WHOIS info, genius.)Whatever, Einstein.
Using that logic, you may in the future refer to me as Mr. Hosting Matters, since that is what appears on MY /Whois. You can call me Mr. Matters for short, to save your fingers a bit.
Now, as to your gross distortion of the original post (which you fail to address utterly, not much to anybody’s surprise), you can stick your “parent” card back where it belongs. I’m one too, you see, and I couldn’t disagree with you more if I tried really, really hard. I guess my “parent card” cancels yours, then?
Now that that’s out of the way, you might want to specify exactly what nebulous and mythical “procedures” open to bus drivers trying to keep an idiot child from distracting you while you’re driving his sorry little ass around it is that you refer to?
Mind you, I’m only interested in the ones that will actually stop the distraction immediately, hopefully BEFORE the snotty little brat manages to distract you for long enough to hit a tree or another vehicle.
To be helpful, you can forget about throwing the kid off the bus. With a twelve-year-old that you’re responsible for, that constitutes “abandonment” and can get you in some serious doo-doo real quick.
Ask him nicely?
I DO believe that the driver had tried that one already. Several times, actually.
But hey, let the little twit grow up to think that he can do anything he bloody well pleases anywhere he pleases. He’ll be lucky to get away with a slap on the cheek out in the real world.
And “Kare”: Please DO read the entire article in question before you comment. Remember, a wise man once said that “it is better to keep quiet and have everybody think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”
The lovable little tot wasn’t saying “penis” once and it wasn’t the reason that he got a well-deserved slap. As far as I’m concerned, it wouldn’t matter if he’d been shouting “Hail Mary”. The problem was that the little moron wouldn’t shut up when the grown-up responsible for his transportation and safety told him to.
Again: Try pulling that kind of stunt out in the real world and you’ll be more than lucky to get off with a slap.
Sheesh. You’d have thought that the guy broke both of the kid’s arms and chopped his head off.
Speaking of “genius” you obviously, twice now, have shown me you lack the brain capacity of a slug.
I just looked up my info on WhoIs and guess what Numbnuts! It has my correct name and it’s NOT Trish.
You truly are a fucking moron.
Whatever you say, Trish.
I would lay off the name issue that you and his highness has brought up, but you keep insisting your name isn’t Trish. Nothing like a pissed-off opponent to point and laugh at.
The fact that you two morons are treating a public database like it’s “private information” cracks me the hell up.
you can stick your “parent” card back where it belongs. I’m one too, you see, and I couldn’t disagree with you more if I tried really, really hard. I guess my “parent card” cancels yours, then?
As far as the “parent card”, my perspective is one of “if that were my kid”
… it seems what someone else does with “someone else’s kid” is fine and dandy with you guys.
But I ask you (as obviously no one is reading a damn thing I wrote, just wasting time defending their stale positions)…
I suspect there will be a different answer on this one. (hypocrisy, anyone?)
Bus drivers have procedures. They report these incidents to their base, who in turn consults the school’s principal, who in turn reminds these parents that “riding the bus is a privilege, not a right”.
Repeat offenders are banned from the bus for the rest of the semester, seriously inconveniencing “not MY child” parents, to the point where they start opening their eyes.
And that is the “mythological procedure” as you kindly put it.
Most buses I’ve seen, the kids are bouncing all over the place, throwing shit, and screaming like banshees… I don’t know how they do it, but many of these professionals can tune it right out. How this guy can hear a lone annoying kid mutter “penis” in such an environment is a mystery to me.
Aren’t you glad you came back with back-up this time Trish?
Would YOU like it if the cat tried to see if YOUR ear could be turned completely inside out?
Actually that’s our dog that they keep doing that to. But we’re on the same team here, so I don’t want to nitpick. :0)
Oh, Mr. Doesn’t Much Matter, you wound me. I’m not sure I can go on. That tired saying….it’s too much to bear.
Excuse me for a moment.
Anyway, judging by your attitude I’m guessing that it would be ok if *any* authority figure smacked your kid around? From say, the lunch lady to the school secretary and anyone in between, so long as they represent some form of authority to your child and, *in their opinion*, your child was doing something that *might* cause a problem?
“Mind you, I’m only interested in the ones that will actually stop the distraction immediately, hopefully BEFORE the snotty little brat manages to distract you for long enough to hit a tree or another vehicle.”
Does this happen a lot? I’ve had 3 children ride buses in various parts of the country, big cities and small. What normally happens, in my experience is that a child is, as Eric says, banned from riding the bus. The child’s *parents* then deal with the child. Besides, if a principal needs a parent’s permission to hit a child with a paddle then what makes it ok for a freakin’ bus driver to smack one? Teachers and principals are not allowed to simply just hit children, regardless of the situation.
“Most buses I’ve seen, the kids are bouncing all over the place, throwing shit, and screaming like banshees…”
Yup. And I still stand by my statement that if you hit my kid, I’m coming after you. I don’t give a damn what he did or how much it irritated you. You do not have the right to hit my child. Period.
Hi Trish!
i’m with serenity on this. kids nowadays are growing up with a total disregard for obediance to authority and it isn’t helping when parents like you guys are protecting them from actually shouldering some personal responsibility. have you wondered at all why everyone is court-crazy and always looking to pass the buck? some guy hauls off and shoots someone? oh it isn’t HIS fault, it was someone else’s. the bus situation was pretty straightforward, that little bastard kept mouthing off KNOWING that noting would happen to him. he had parents who let him do whatever the hell he wanted and thus he did. so when actual discipline came down in the only form that is universal, it was a shock. it shouldn’t have been. kids should respect their elders and this little dirtbag clearly had no respect for anyone. he never will either as long as mommy and daddy are there to wipe his ass for him instead of telling him “what you did was wrong and you should have listened to the bus driver when he asked you to stop.” if the kid was just talking about homework and the bus driver beat him that’s one thing. but the kid was being rude and obnoxious and clearly was doing so for effect and trying to push the driver’s buttons. well, tell ya what, why don’t you go downtown sometime and start pushing buttons of random strangers and see how long it takes to get your ass kicked. better bring your bat big man, cuz i’m guessing most people aren’t going to try and just “talk it out” with you if you’re going out of your way to piss them off.
kids nowadays are growing up with a total disregard for obediance to authority and it isn’t helping when parents like you guys are protecting them from actually shouldering some personal responsibility.
And this broad generalization about me is based on … what? Where do you get the assumption that I let my kids get away with anything? They are the sole responsibility of my wife and I. We’re the final authority, and we decide an apropriate punishment. End of story.
I wish I could see the world with such “Black and White” clarity like you guys sometimes.
why don’t you go downtown sometime and start pushing buttons of random strangers and see how long it takes to get your ass kicked. better bring your bat big man, cuz i’m guessing most people aren’t going to try and just “talk it out” with you if you’re going out of your way to piss them off.
Something tells me the good Mayor here is speaking from experience, and has learned this lesson the hard way. I better listen to him. :0)
My children are not now, nor have they ever been relieved of any personal responsibility. The fact that I wouldn’t let what amounts to a total stranger hit one of my kids has nothing to do with personal responsibility on the part of my kids. It has to do with my responsibilities as a parent. One of those responsibilities is trying to keep them from being hurt. And there’s no way in hell that an ADULT is going to hit one of my kids. You can bring up all the dumbass hypotheticals that your little heart desires but it doesn’t change the fact that an ADULT has no business actually hitting someone else’s CHILD. An ADULT who attempts to push the buttons of random strangers knows what he’s doing and knows what’s coming if he’s successful. An ADULT, not a 12 year old kid who thinks he’s being funny in front of his friends.
I am curious though how long you’ve known the child in question because you certainly seem to know quite a lot about him and his parents. You state that his parents “let him do whatever the hell he wanted” and then go on to imply that he wouldn’t have gotten in trouble for his behavior on the bus even if the parents had been given the option of disciplining their own child, instead of a bus driver doing it for them. You call the child a “little bastard” and a “little dirtbag” so you must know something about this family that the rest of us don’t. Please share.
I feel sorry for the children of those of you who condone strangers hitting them. If you teach your children to respect adults (and you should, with some qualifications), you’re basically saying that *any* adult is an authority figure for them. Therefore, *any* adult is free to hit your kid as long as that adult feels that your “little dirtbag clearly had no respect for anyone”. Because hey, you can’t have it both ways.
The fact that you two morons are treating a public database like it’s “private information” cracks me the hell up.
It would crack me up even MORE if it was actually the case. Do go ahead and point me in the direction of the part of my post where I make any such statement, Einstein.
As to the rest of your blather, I won’t bother repeating myself, seeing as it’s pretty obvious that you have no intentions (or capabilities) of answering in an intelligible manner.
Go ahead and teach your kid that pushing people’s buttons is acceptable behavior without consequences and you WILL be visiting the county morgue one day because he pushed the wrong ones.
it’s pretty obvious that you have no intentions (or capabilities) of answering in an intelligible manner.
This comes from someone who has been asked several times if this scenario only applies to “someone else’s kid” and not yours, and has avoided it every time?
Go ahead and teach your kid that pushing people’s buttons is acceptable behavior without consequences and you WILL be visiting the county morgue one day because he pushed the wrong ones.
In light of this tastless remark toward my six year old son, I think you’re done here Misha.
Not to mention that I answered this one with your buddy “Mayor Jimmy” up there, who seems to carry the same delusions of grandeur as you do (or are powerless loser/walter mitty types in real life, who knows?)
1. You’ve avoided questions
2. You only know how to respond with name calling and ridiculous histrionics
3. Obviously it’s okay for anyone to hit your kids. Hey that’s cool. That’s your choice. I’m not going to argue any more than you think you’re going to change my mind.
I welcome intelligent conversation here. Even if someone’s opinion differs from mine I can respect it, as long as that person returns the same level of respect.
Since you’re an absolute asshole with nothing worthwhile to contribute, I don’t think anyone would ever fault me for deleting anything you and your buddies say from now on.
You’re not looking to discuss an issue, you’re looking to argue, and any excuse to spew vitriol. I’ve lost all respect I’ve had for you, and you’re not worth the aggravation.
Go ahead and teach your kid that pushing people’s buttons is acceptable behavior without consequences and you WILL be visiting the county morgue one day because he pushed the wrong ones.
Wow. Just….wow. I certainly wouldn’t fault you for deleting anything they have to say from now on.
It’s amazing how people leap to such conclusions, huh? I guess it’s a *consequence* of digging a hole he can’t get out of. I mean, how do you defend the position that you, as a parent, have no intention of protecting your children from strangers who feel like smacking them? It’s an indefensible position, not to mention bad parenting.
Anyway, good riddance to them both.
I just can’t believe he said that.
Mayor Jimmy is apparently just protecting his own ass. (I’d link it but his permalink goes to a 404 page. Just click his link and scroll down, if you’re ever that bored.) The highlights? “My own personal savior….Serenity”. Hmm, maybe she can fix his permalinks for him….:)
“specify exactly what nebulous and mythical “procedures” open to bus drivers trying to keep an idiot child from distracting you while you’re driving his sorry little ass around it is that you refer to?”
OOH! OOH! I know the answer to this one. I used to be a bus driver, thankyouverymuch. And the procedure would be to stop the bus (after finding a safe place to pull over that is). If the threat of sitting there all afternoon and evening isn’t enough to shut the kid up, then we would be forced to use our radio (they probably have cell phones or something now) to call the school or we might return to the school depending on the individual situation, and someone there would call the child’s parents who would then be forced to come get the child at the school or wherever we were forced to stop the bus. The kid would also have to answer to the principal or whoever was in charge of deciding appropriate discipline for bus incidents. Sometimes this is left to the superintendent of transportation, and it usually meant not being able to ride the bus for a specified amount of time. You’d be surprised at how quickly a kid straightened up after mom or dad lost time from work and/or had to make alternate arrangements for getting the kid to school.
Surprisingly, during my whole career as a driver I never had the need to hit a kid in order to make him shut up nor did I ever have to contact the school. I guess I’m just special that way though.
Just FYI, you’re obviously confusing two people. Serenity at Serenity’s Journal is NOT me. My blog is Serenity Quest and MY name is Trish and I have no idea what this thread is about, so please don’t confuse me with her. And I will sign my name to anything I say. Now I’m gonna go back and read the thread and see what all the drama is about.
Oh, man… the REAL Trish is HERE!!!!
(I’m in trouble now!)