Legal Notice and Disclaimer
To the best of my knowledge, the fonts contained herein are available to the public as a free, or shareware downloads (or at least at the time I've received them).
If, for any reason there are registered fonts in here by error, owned by a corporation, they will be removed immediately, with my sincerest apologies for this oversight.
Rights and ownership:
If you are a fontographer, and you wish for your font not to be available on EricBrooks.Com for downloading, please contact me. Of course, some acceptable proof of your identity is required, preferably an email in the same address as what's embedded in your font or your documentation.
Should any of my zip files be missing any of your necessary documentation, or if it needs to be updated, I would prefer to make arrangements to update it and set it right, rather than you being a dick about it remove your font. While I normally respect one's intellectual property, I should also warn you that I am no stranger to cease and desist notices; not to mention all the time, effort, and money it would take for you to try and take me to court would make your threats laughable at best. So let's try and work together, ok?
Supporting the artists:
Please support the hard work of these talented fontographers who made this possible by paying their shareware fee (if applicable), or by sending them a donation.
Your CyberPal,
Eric Brooks