Give them flowers (while they can still smell them)

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A couple of phrases have always stood out in my mind. Those one-liners that people can write an entire book based on it.

One of those lines was one that I heard a pastor say:
Try and give someone flowers while they can still smell them“.

We’re always quick with a negative observation of someone. It’s our nature. I’m as guilty as the next guy of doing it. Usually it’s traits we see within ourselves that annoy us when we see it in others.

Books go out of print, buildings crumble, laws and statutes are repealed, news becomes forgotten, television and radio shows are cancelled, and websites expire.

The only real legacy we leave behind in this world are the memories kept by those whose lives we’ve touched.

All too often we find ourselves talking to a coffin or at a grave site telling the open wind how much they meant to us. Stuff we meant to tell them a long time ago.

Stuff we SHOULD have told them a long time ago.
I hope I’m not too late for some of you.
I hope you know how I feel about you.

Life’s too short.

Eric Brooks

Musician, Programmer, Graphic Designer, Evil Clown - A thorn in the Internet's side since 1997 with no intention of stopping any time soon.

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