While I understand Thanksgiving is primarily an American holiday… I think it’s a good thing for everyone to stop for a moment, look around at what you have and give thanks. I think anything that promotes love, and giving, and just appreciating what you have (rather than stress out over what you DON’T have) is a good thing.
There just ain’t enough of it in the world, you know?
You know… a funny thing I learned recently.
I never understood why a girl would suddenly take interest in a boy after he’s got a girlfriend; or why a man with a loving family, financially secure, and fairly successful would blow his brains out after being passed up for a promotion.
It’s human nature to want what we can’t have. I wouldn’t say it’s greed as much as it is we humans can never be content. We have to keep growing, and building, and bettering ourselves.
I’ve let a situation eat me alive over the past seven months. A position at work that I wouldn’t have normally given any thought over…
…except for the fact that I was told I can’t have it, and was never given a reason why.
Then, I found myself wanting it more than anything. I worked my ass off, did everything I could to prove I deserved it.
You can’t be king of the world if you’re a slave to the grind.
I turned in my two weeks notice on Wednesday.
I know I made the right decision.
For the first time in a long time… I feel a calm serenity inside and a burden lifted off my shoulders.
Time will tell whose loss it is. No one is indispensible. And, quite frankly, I never look back.
I have a family that loves me. Wonderful friends online and offline. I have a future now.
I have much to be thankful for.
And I can honestly say I’m content…
For now. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving.
I hope this works out well for you. Even just being one of those online-type friends (or fiends – whatev), I know you’ve been stressed lately. Good luck in your new situation, whatever it may be.
Hey hon,
Congrats! I wish I has the satisfaction of doing that, but alas, the Fates decided to do it the hard way for me. But really, it’s for the best, especially since I was quite miserable. For me, it’s allowed me to get out to Cali (like I wanted) much sooner that I thought I’d be able to. I may still be angry, but like you, it’s freed me to do what I really want…:)
Good luck hon! may the next job be the one you want! 🙂