From Cracked: All Posts –The Hard Realities Of Life After I Shot Myself In The Head:
By J.F. Sargent Published: June 29th, 2017 – There are 94 successful suicides every day, and one attempted suicide every 38 seconds. Most suicide attempts fail, and 70 percent of the people who fail will not attempt again. Attempting suicide is a reflection of a few moments — a short, awful period that a lot of people survive. They get through it. Their lives go back to normal, and the idea that they ever wanted to die seems like a surreal joke. In June of 2010, “Jessica” attempted suicide by putting her husband’s .40 caliber handgun under her chin and pulling the trigger, and the fact that she was able to talk to us without a Ouija board makes her fairly unique, since guns are actually the outlier in the world of suicide statistics: 90 percent of suicides involving a gun succeed. She told us her story and, even though it ends well, it’s pretty terrifying. Fair warning.