[ALA] Quantity Queries for CSS

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From A List Apart: The Full FeedQuantity Queries for CSS:

Quantity Queries for CSSDon’t you just hate documentaries that don’t deliver? They have enticing names like In Search of the Giant Squid, and tease you with shots of murky underwater shapes and excited scientists pointing far out to sea. You settle down to watch, eyes narrowed with suspicion, thinking, I better see some squid or I’m writing an angry letter to the network.

Sure enough, 90 minutes of interviews with bored-looking fishermen later, the presenter is forced to conclude, ?No… no, we didn’t find any big squids. But maybe one day [majestic orchestral flourish]. Great. You wanted Finding Nemo and got Not Finding Nemo instead.

I wouldn’t do that to you, friends. This is your guide to creating style breakpoints for quantities of HTML elements, much as you already do with @media queries for viewport dimensions. I’m not pointing at some blurry specification in the distance or a twinkle in an implementer’s eye. We’re going to do this today, with CSS that’s already available…

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