I almost got political today. I’ve had my fill of so much bullshit today, that I want to scream, and *almost* get political. I will say this much, though:
Despite my many complaints, and unhappiness at the current state of affairs… I still love being an American and can’t think of a better place to be. The United States of America still remains the greatest country on the planet, and if anyone has a problem with that, feel free to leave.
… the planet, that is.
The Challenger II is almost gassed up, and now boarding at terminal 5.
I crave humor and levity now… and some ladies on the web delivered.
A message FROM the lovely Robyn: “I’ve run INTO quite a few people .. and blogs .. that could use one of these today. Their shit is so backed up, their eyeballs are floating.
So feel free to take one down, pass it around. Call it the gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving… ”
“Ladies – just because you’ve destroyed your own sense of smell, doesn’t mean you have to destroy mine. … stop buying that cheap-ass ‘Eau de Parisian Whore on Crack’ scent FROM the dollar store! “ok… one more:
“Thank God there’s no ‘People for the Ethical Treatment of Clueless Men’ Society. Wouldn’t that just frizz the short and curlies and ruin an otherwise eventful day.”
*lights a cigarette*
So, was it good for you, too?
LMAO,I so love Robyn ! She is a super freak !
I’m super freaky .. owwww!
Temptations SING: Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhh….
Speaking of BS. I saw Penn & Teller’s Bullshit show today. Totally debunking the John Edwards Crossing Over cons. Just wonderful stuff.
I’m all for lessening the bullshit burden on the internet.
….lay a little love on me, baybeeeee!
How timely.

I just realized that I’ve been the founder & president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Clueless Men for some time now.
Scary to realize when you’ve been a dope.
“I swear to God, if you put corduroy pants on me, i’d start a fire! I feel just like the flying nun. Sans abstinence, of course; with buttflaps for liftoff rather than a big honking hat.”
who is this person and why am i laughing so hard my stomach is now sucked into my lower spine and bladder at the base of my happy cunnilingual cnut?
I don’t have a problem with your subjective opinions, but I wonder if you hope I should have and that the “love america or leave” stuff is a hint ;o)
I, personally, would leave if I could.
… the planet, that is.
So leave then, Chloe!
Actually Nico, that was directed more toward the right. I saw something that someone wrote about Ezrael’s “America you will be rounded up and shot”, and it made me livid.
I just think you can STILL be an intelligent and good American, no matter which side of the fence you sit on. I figured I’d once again reinforce my allegiance to my country before I call Bush a moron again. :0)
You are a maniac, you know that, right?? LMAO!!
*I’m blushing here…..*
Yup – The “Fleet” Award. Always plenty to go around
Thanks for the Linky poo!
Oh, a freind of mine blogged about enimas once and got scads of creepy hits, do keep us informed!
Shit eric, you jinxed the columbia with your joke!
(everyone’s pinning everything else on you, I figured we could pin this disaster on you too)
I know. I feel awful.
The vision of an exploding space shuttle popped in my head, so I jotted it down. I figured it was because of all the talk of the Challenger recently.
I thought it was funny at the time.
I am so sorry….
I may take that remark down.
I don’t think it’s necessary to take down the remark.
It’s damn eerie though.
you and jade must be on the same wavelength.