Another Pocono Production!

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Pocono Production (POH – ko -no Pruh-DUH!!! – k’shen – Noun)

  1. Something of inferior quality
  2. Half-assed
  3. Sucks fucking moose dong

JEBUS EFFING CHRIST! What was the theme at the fireworks show, “How the soldiers in Iraq must feel”????

Not naming names, but we were at a resort for the fireworks show and the imbeciles were firing the damn things right over our heads!!! We’re getting hit with hot shells, and running for our lives as these glowing fiery things were dropping out of the sky.

Then the idiot in charge of the fireworks (let’s just call him “Gomer”) has the AUDACITY to come out and ask us (those not rushed to the hospital for 3rd degree burns) “How did you like the show?”.

Well gee, Gomer… perhaps it would be better if our NICE JEWISH INJURY LAWYER gave you an honest review.


Well at any rate….

Happy Birthday America!
(Except for the Poconos…. you SUCK!!!)

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