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…the Dead: Jannelle’s Laptop hath been resurrected. Hallelujah!

…getting the crap bombed out of him: Salam Pax returned yesterday with a bunch of new posts composed on Word while the power was out in Baghdad.

(I don’t mean to be a jerk or nothing, I mean, he’s interesting reading and all, but am I the only one who has their “KayCee alarm™” going off when I hear his name?)

…the outer reaches of the Cosmos: That’s right, true believers. The man who taught me everything I know about finding new worlds and destroying everything in my path is now blogging… Yes, Galactus has a blog. (Figures he’d tell Solonor before telling me. Heh… and I don’t need no stinkin herald either!)

…blowing out candles: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA!!!!!!

Yeah… that’s about it.
Anything else you think you saw in this entry, you’re sadly mistaken.

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