Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-04

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • Not that numbers mean all that much to me, but when I hit 2,000 Twitter followers, i am taking you all out for ice cream! #
  • I’ll try and take PR Guru @ElenaVerlee ‘s advice & use my real picture here and see how that works for my cyber image. #
  • I see someone took my parking spot again. I am SO going to wring someone’s neck as soon as Anger Management class lets out. #
  • And how come nobody with Yelp or FourSquare ever checks in to a strip club or Planned Parenthood? What kind of friends am I hanging with??? #
  • #SHOUTOUT to @SimilonKaro – YOU ROCK! #TeamFollowBack #
  • Just finished watching ‘The Never Ending Story’ – WTF??? I rented this thing until April… I WANT MY MONEY BACK! #
  • I miss @jane_bot . Did she finally have the good sense to block me from stalking her? #
  • Continue reading “Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-04”

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-28

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • If u are one of those people running around saying ‘AWESOME SAUCE’ all the time, then you need to be in an accident involving fire ants, ok? #
  • Oh, I’m sorry, @Jesus_M_Christ – I didn’t realize praying for a woman to love me that DIDN’T have an STD was such a tall order for you. 🙁 #
  • Friends are throwing me a cyber birthday party on Facebook today… YOU’RE INVITED! #
  • bwahahahaha! RT @rogueflorida: I rt so much to annoy people who’s only tweets are complaining abour rts #pissoff #
  • OK! RT @KristeenRichard: #TeamFollowback pls follow/support upcoming @ThatBoyMarshay listen to his song “Wetter” #
  • THANK YOU! RT @jimmler: #FollowFriday @ericbrookscom @latinaturk @thitiaofficial (via @ffhelper) #
  • Sure are a lot of bitter old geezers haunting abandoned amusement parks in this country in monster costumes, aren’t there? Thx, Scooby Doo! #
  • VOTE for @ModelGinnyGunn in MAXIM’s Hometown Hottie Contest #
  • happy birthday @Chadthreesixty (this post is pre-timed from yesterday, you know, in case I’m killed in the hurricane or something) SMILES!! #
  • HURRICANE AFTERMATH: OH DEAR GOD, THE STENCH OF DEATH IS EVERYWH… oh. It’s just my socks under the desk. Sorry. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-21

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-14

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • I’m seeing stars right now. Laying on my lawn, looking at the night sky… then the kid next door threw a brick over the fence. o_O #
  • Video: Haterz517 is confronted in school by an annoying Jewish kid named Marti Cohn. Hilarity ensues. – #
  • Bad Business Idea # 2,689 – That time I took over a Summer Camp for Jewish kids and renamed the place ‘Mein Camp’ #
  • Next project will be revamping my old parody of AOL with 3D animated characters. Stay Tuned. #
  • With everyone gone for the Summer, i have been behind the scenes stockpiling content, and fine-tuning and automating my site. #
  • NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY: Attention Deficit Disorder can be cured by… OOH LOOK A SQUIRREL! :^o #
  • ‘But thank you for the pain. It made me raise my game’ – Jessie J: Who’s Laughing Now? 😀 #
  • I was down in my lab, working on my clone, when I got some bad news. I was beside myself in sadness. #
  • Markkram1969: – UGH! My clone says he’s the better looking one and when I take a swing at him, he goes “Hey, don’t beat urself up, man!” #
  • [TUTORIAL] Display your favorite Tweets using PHP and jQuery – #EricBrooks Com #PHP #jQuery #
  • Someone just told me I should do Stand Up … only we were ducked behind a car in the middle of a shootout when he said it. #
  • #FF I wish funnyman @Donkey_Sosa would stop flirting and just follow me already. It’s not like I’ll copy his tweets…again. #
  • Jeez am I *THAT* obvious? :p RT @jane_bot: Cute how men who bump up against you in a crowd will direct their “Excuse me” to your ass. #
  • My birthday is in 9 days. In case you want to save up and buy me stuff. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-07

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • The Jersey Shore w/ Eric Brooks – #
  • RE: @daisyduke0106 OOooooooOOO I loved Callisto. She was a badass, but vulnerable enough that I'd hope she'd get away… #
  • If you watch an Apple store get robbed, are you an iWitness? #
  • Comic Flowchart on How To Deal With Internet Arguments: #
  • Her: "I liek Simon & Garfunkel" Me: "I love The Sound of Silence" Her: "Really I think their best song was…" Me: "Just shut up, ok?" #
  • New Article: [Graphics] Beautiful Wallpapers Belong to Ramadan Kareem 2011 #
  • "There is no 'I' in 'Individuality'…" ~ Some Blonde I met in an elevator yesterday. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-01

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • Oh and in case you dummies haven't figured it out, I am away, partying on the Jersey Shore and all these posts are pre-recorded. #
  • I think I have an image problem and people think I'm a douche. I've been called "Mr. Massengill" by three different people today. :/ #
  • Helooooo from the Jersey Shore! What? Fill Snooki's pickle jars with urine? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. #
  • HOORAY! Thanks to wonderful friends, I have finally joined the 21st Century and have a cellphone now. First order #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-24

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • I just realized I haven’t said a f**ked up thing all day. I will make up for this tomorrow, my friends. #
  • And a special ‘HELLO’ to new follower, @KegelPrincess – you DEFINITELY have my attention now… 😀 #
  • WOW… juries are filled with evil lil’ old ladies looking to stick it to someone even worse than I do. What is WRONG with this world???? #
  • Photo: Yeah, normally about this time, I would post some update on how the revamping of… #
  • In the Land of the Heat Wave, the Neighbor with the Swimming Pool is King. #
  • I think it’s insulting for a pretty woman to think talking to them online means we want pu**y. Sometimes we’re just looking for blowjobs. #
  • Before anyone questions my Search history, let me explain: I am doing research for my new book about ‘Barely Legal Pygmy Whores’, okay? #
  • On a roll 2day! RT @Donkey_Sosa: Am I the only one who felt that the anal fisting scene in the new Winnie the Pooh movie was in poor taste? #
  • Aw crap… my Google+ invitation was in my jeans in the wash. Now what? 🙁 #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-17

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • #ihavenotolerance for people that tweet some stupid hashtag just because it’s trending and they want 2 be noticed! (PS: FOLLOW ME!) #
  • Yep… first time I ever saw @jane_bot , I thought “Yep, she’s ‘special’ alright…” *RUNS* #
  • Me: (Ordering Calamari tonite) | Her: “I’ve seen enough Hentai 2 know where THIS is going…” | <3 God, she’s PERFECT 4 me! <3 #
  • Been working out and bench-pressing with a curling iron all morning. So far, no results, but not giving up. #BEEEEEEEEEFCAAAAAAAAAAAKE #
  • Mass Deletions are starting again on Facebook. Here is my Google+ account. I wont be going back 2 FB if deleted. #
  • ‘I may not agree w/ what u have to say, but I will send a look-a-like flunkie in to fight to the death 4 ur right 2 say it’ ~EB as Voltaire #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • Happy 4th Everyone. AMERICA, F**K YEAH! #
  • Photo: From the Cast & Crew of EricBrooks.Com… #
  • #fatpeoplenightmares – Putting their bra on backwards… and it fits better. #
  • RT @foxnewspolitics: BREAKING NEWS: President @BarackObama assassinated, 2 gunshot wounds have proved too much. It’s a sad 4th for #amer#
  • Oh sorry Republicans, it was just a false alarm. #SYKE #
  • My doctor told me I need to lose weight, and I said I want a second opinion. So he told me I’m a douchebag too. #
  • I just tried to join a Tourette’s Facebook Group, but they told me to F**K off. #
  • Hey, want to make $1,000 a day? Yeah, me too. This link wont help, but it’s my website and it’s filled with goofiness. #
  • I finally broke down and sent this off to my ex: “I’m so miserable without you, it’s almost like you’re still here.” #

Continue reading “Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10”

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-03

Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:

  • The one thing I hate most about office parties is looking for a new job the next day. 🙁 #
  • Photo: Either all my ex-girlfriends are more skilled at stalking than I am, or NONE of them ever bothered to… #
  • I used to play sports. Then I found out you can by trophies. Now I'm good at everything. 😀 #
  • Iwonderifanyoneknowswhatthelongbuttonatthebottomofthekeyboardisfor? #
  • You know you have a drinking problem when you wake up to a blender in bed with you… and you get nervous. #
  • Good for musical hopefuls, but for the 600 million folks w… #
  • I haven't seen a single squirrel since that "Rapture" supposedly happened. Nobody panic. It's probably just a coincidence. #
  • Good morning. I see the assassins have failed. #

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Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
