Read more of my obnoxious statuses by following me on Twitter:
- Not that numbers mean all that much to me, but when I hit 2,000 Twitter followers, i am taking you all out for ice cream! #
- I’ll try and take PR Guru @ElenaVerlee ‘s advice & use my real picture here and see how that works for my cyber image. #
- I see someone took my parking spot again. I am SO going to wring someone’s neck as soon as Anger Management class lets out. #
- And how come nobody with Yelp or FourSquare ever checks in to a strip club or Planned Parenthood? What kind of friends am I hanging with??? #
- #SHOUTOUT to @SimilonKaro – YOU ROCK! #TeamFollowBack #
- Just finished watching ‘The Never Ending Story’ – WTF??? I rented this thing until April… I WANT MY MONEY BACK! #
- I miss @jane_bot . Did she finally have the good sense to block me from stalking her? #