I just added permalinks to the comments.
There’s a bunch of tutorials out there, but I forgot to bookmark them, so, like an idiot, I had to do it FROM scratch.
Here’s what I did:
In your Comment Listing Template…
First you need to make an Anchor for each comment entry. Find where it says:<$MTCommentBody$>
And change it to:
<a name=”<$MTCommentID pad=”1″$>”></a>
Next, make the permalink. For the sake of argument, I put it at the end of the comment, after the date (<$MTCommentDate$>). You can put it anywhere you want. The code for the permalink is:<a href=”<$MTCGIPath$>mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=<$MTEntryID$>#<$MTCommentID pad=”1″$>”>Link</a>
So there…
I wish I had MT.
I don’t know how you do it, Tammie…
My original blog was on Blogspot for three days, and it drove me nuts, so I moved it to Geocities.
Well I know how to get it but I just can’t right now.I hope that I can soon.And I know what you mean about blogspot ! *grrrr*
You don’t need MT to have permalinks, I use blogger and have those damn yaccs comments and I have permalinks. I don’t know if they work though.
Yeah, your YACCS links work, Nico. I’m pretty sure you can do them with any comment system that has ID numbers in them. I wanted to add tutorials for B2 and Greymatter… but I haven’t used them in so long I forgot how either of them work. :0)
You should put up a tutorial for YACCS, Nico. You seem pretty good at working your way around it.
Am I older than you E?? I actually had a blog on Blogger BEFORE Blogspot exisited!! I was with Topshities then….. :op
You might be… you might not be.
I was using Matt Wright’s guestbook script for Whuzzup a year before blogger came out (but it was a “what’s new” page, not a blog, until 2000.)
Kare and I also shared a blog called Mischief @nonymous in late 2000, (but that was short lived as bloggers are whiny crybabys that didn’t like being picked on.)
Then in October 2001, I flipped out, completely deleted EB.Com and launched “Enemy of the State” (on blogspot, then back to the geocities site.)
Much like the real me… I can’t stay in one place for long. :0) When was your first blog?
Would running your own BBS count? Talk about old School. It is amazing how much trouble it is to add back the functionality that was available back in the 80’s! One thing that I miss are resumable zmodem downloads. It was nice to have that without special software.
Amazing. You can do all that and not make a NS compatible site. Simply amazing.
I suppose I’ll have to try to figure this out as well.
Wow -e-, I’m honored to be made an example of….hey, wait a sec…
Thanks -e- now I have permalinks! Not sure of the purpose, but I like to run with the big dogs