Death Threats FROM the Tooth Fairy

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You know… I rocked as the Easter Bunny.

… in in my new role as the Tooth Fairy? I TOTALLY SUCK!!!!
(Though I must say, Pink is definitely my color, but I digress…)

So here’s the deal.
Last night one of the Adorable Ones lost a molar. Couldn’t find the damn thing, so I left $2 (??!!?? wtf… inflation?) anyway.

Naturally, I forget that the “Con Artist” gene is the dominant gene in my family tree… so the little extortionist has decided to pull a fast one on the tooth fairy and put it under her pillow again tonight for a quick profit.

So there goes my last $2 until payday… AND I STILL CAN’T FIND THE DAMN TOOTH AGAIN!!!! Grrrr…. arrrrgh!!??!!

I’m gonna be bankrupt by this little urchin soon.
What do I do… leave a ripped off teddy bear head at the foot of her bed to get the message that the Tooth Fairy is getting ticked off?

At least she hasn’t figured out that corn fools the tooth fairy as well… my mom must have figured I had about 62 teeth in MY mouth.

So… uhm… can anyone loan me $2 bucks for tomorrow night? (sigh).

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