[#Design] Ceramic Waste Furniture

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From TrendHunter.com – Design TrendsCeramic Waste Furniture – Bentu Design Makes Terrazzo-Style Furniture from Recycled Ceramic Waste (TrendHunter.com):

Ceramic Waste Furniture - Bentu Design Makes Terrazzo-Style Furniture from Recycled Ceramic Waste (TrendHunter.com) (TrendHunter.com) Bentu Design has released a terrazzo-style furniture collection made entirely of recycled materials. The furniture and lighting collection made from ceramic waste was created with the intention of drawing a bridge between environmental consciousness and design. To make the house ware collection, Bentu Design used 4 million tonnes of ceramic waste from China’s Foshan city. The area is the ceramic production capital of the world, generating immense amounts of leftover materiel that typically gets dumped in neighboring villages. “Not only is the cost of disposal high, but the non-degradable materials can also not be digested by nature, hence occupy the land, affect the growth of vegetation and even pollute the water,” said Bentu Design…

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