[#Design] Historical Seattle on a Typographic Pub Crawl

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From CreativePro.comStepping Through Historical Seattle on a Typographic Pub Crawl:

Stepping Through Historical Seattle on a Typographic Pub CrawlWhen I found out that the annual North American typography conference, TypeCon, was going to be in my hometown of Seattle, I decided to create a conference event that would somehow provide a unique experience to typographers from out-of-town. My love for the city is deep since I’ve lived here my entire life (aside from spending my undergraduate years in Spokane, WA and at graduate school in Scotland). Seattle – nestled between the water and the mountains – offers everything our art-creating, coffee-drinking, airplane-making, software-programming locals desire. The knowledgeable Paul Shaw was already scheduled to give his famous TypeCon typography walk in downtown Seattle, so I wanted to choose a different neighborhood and add a little something to make it unique. After all, my first font release, Bemis, in 2013, was based on the 1917 inscription on the historic Bemis building in Seattle. I loved the look of the high-waisted capital letters, so I created a historical revival inspired by the B-E-M-I-S letterforms inscribed onto the front of the brick building. KUOW and The Seattle Times found the project intriguing, so it received a bit of publicity. So combining my interests in typography and in historical Seattle, it seemed as though I might have something…

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